Exterior receptacle is it legal

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Thanks mjf. Pictures of the correction would be nice. Did they redo the siding or move the box farther out ?
Based on JFLOAT's earlier post that mjf just quoted, it looks like the boxes and siding are being allowed to remain, but they had to pull new wires that extend 6" past the edge of the box, instead of the code-required 3". This is pure speculation, but if I were a betting man I'd put money on the Inspector making this call based on the intent of the 3" rule -- that is, the conductors need to extend far enough past the edge of the box to facilitate splicing the wires or changing out the device without having to resort to circus side-show type contortions of the hands.
Based on JFLOAT's earlier post that mjf just quoted, it looks like the boxes and siding are being allowed to remain, but they had to pull new wires that extend 6" past the edge of the box, instead of the code-required 3". This is pure speculation, but if I were a betting man I'd put money on the Inspector making this call based on the intent of the 3" rule -- that is, the conductors need to extend far enough past the edge of the box to facilitate splicing the wires or changing out the device without having to resort to circus side-show type contortions of the hands.

I'd bet that had a lot to do with it (access). You are also correct that the 6" "passed" the edge of the box is not required.
Based on JFLOAT's earlier post that mjf just quoted, it looks like the boxes and siding are being allowed to remain, but they had to pull new wires that extend 6" past the edge of the box, instead of the code-required 3". This is pure speculation, but if I were a betting man I'd put money on the Inspector making this call based on the intent of the 3" rule -- that is, the conductors need to extend far enough past the edge of the box to facilitate splicing the wires or changing out the device without having to resort to circus side-show type contortions of the hands.
Now you just need to be a contortionist to tuck them all in:)
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