So........... if I install two switchlegs to a ceiling box, the box is required to be fan rated. Even if I do so to allow a fluorescent fixture to have two sets of lamps run off two switches for energy conservation?
In this case you do not need a fan rated box as you are using both switched conductors. There is no spare in your case. :thumbsup:So........... if I install two switchlegs to a ceiling box, the box is required to be fan rated. Even if I do so to allow a fluorescent fixture to have two sets of lamps run off two switches for energy conservation?
If you do not provide hots or hot and neutral, it cannot be an outlet, for whatever that is worth. It cannot supply power to utilization equipment otherwise.Not sure, but I think only neutral is "required" by code..... must provide the hot and switch leg only if we prefer it to be operational.
You need to re-read the OP. He was asking about if you run a spare conductor that could be switched, if the box at the ceiling outlet had to be fan rated.
Has nothing to do with the requirements for running a neutral to a switch.
Edit: I re-read it:ashamed1: and seems he is asking the question in reverse. If you had a fan rated box installed, do you have to run a third/spare conductor that could be switched. That is not required, but if you run the 3-wire you have to install a fan rated box. (2011 and later).
So........... if I install two switchlegs to a ceiling box, the box is required to be fan rated. Even if I do so to allow a fluorescent fixture to have two sets of lamps run off two switches for energy conservation?