fa in a cabinet

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Senior Member
hey guys were adding a interconnected firealarm system to an existing cond. were running pvc pipe down the main hallway we tap off with a 90 and lb into the room. we then freewire to a horn now this has not presented any problem untill we got up to the sixth floor. the owner of this unit has added wall to wall cabinets in thier unit on top of toungeandgroove walls. the question I have is can I run the 14-2shielded pair freewire through the cabinet and mount the horn to the side of the cabinet? If not how about carflex or any other suggestions you guys might have. also I dont think I can but I might as well as ask can I mount the horn in the back of the cabinet. If you can please list code articles so I can give them to my superintendent. as always thanks


Staff member
Re: fa in a cabinet

760.52(B)(1) has the requirements, you may be able to run plain cable.

I would use EMT, wiremold or fire alarm MC.
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