Machine internal wiring? Or external connections to peripheral devices?
Educate me a bit:
If internal:
What was it you found in osha or NFPA 70 that required the change?
What was it you had them change to?
If external:
What is required other than white/natural gray neutrals, green/green stripe neutrals (oh, and high-leg orange)
It was internal wiring to an automated sandblaster.
It was a fed Gov. job and it was not in the contract to use stranded, but the contract said it will conform to all OSHA req.
OSHA states machine tools shall conform to NFPA 70E
NFPA 70E says someware that machine tools SHALL be wires with stranded wire. It also states that control wires SHOULD be Red.
That was what we had them put in. RED THHN #14 stranded