Feed-through / raceway question.

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Senior Member
Dallas, TX
Background of the situation. I'm on a construction job with multiple electrical contractors doing different phases of the job. I'm with the contractor doing phase 1. Another contractor is doing phase 2.

This other contractor has set up 2 450 KVA transformers next to each other and has fed the line side feeds in such a way that the feed for the 1st transformer passes through the body of the 2nd.
Here's a crude drawing:


Is this legal? Seems to me it violates the code in some way. Similar to using a panel as a raceway.
There is nothing in the NEC that prohibits running a feeder through a transformer enclosure.

Also FYI in regards to the panel as a raceway myth check out 312.8.

i would use these

i would use these

how about 110.3 or 110.13 b or the transformer manufacturer might state that conductors are allowed only in the front of the transformer and below a certain line inside the unit.
I would question if there is the required room for that many conductors to be compliant. But regardless of code rules I would never allow such a thing on my job and neither should the owner. What's going to happen some day if that xformer needs replacing. How would you even do basic troubleshooting with all those conductors in there? If your typical handyman did big xformers, etc this is how they would do it.
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