Got a call the other day from a HO doing a refi through FHA, and down in the basement which is unfinished, there is original K&T and some new romex home runs that are threaded through the floor joist. The inpector wanted the K&T inpected by an electrician then covered up which would make a Jbox un-accessable. The room does have some storage shelves in it but no wall covering (stem walls), concrete floor, sump pump, no insulation, no HVAC, just storage and with I'd say 7-7.5ft of head clearance. I looked it all over, found the K&T in above average condition, put an oct cover on and two KO covers in a panel that the inspector missed....What's your take......I just thought the "covering it up" part was un-called for, but FHA is notorious for having extra items over and above the NEC.