Finishing attic space

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mdshunk said:
I wire these rooms by laying the wiring behind the knee wall area, in the "V". Naturally, you can't drill anything.

'Round these parts, the roof section of that would be strapped, so no need to go around the world and back again.
growler said:
Those pictures that Larry posted would only be good enough for storage and not living space.
Au contraire, mon ami! Those trusses are indeed suitable for living space.
growler said:
I have seen a " super truss" system that's designed for build out ....Those pictures that Larry posted would only be good enough for storage and not living space.
So, you're an engineer? You must know these things come with a packet of sealed details from an engineer, saying they are good for actual living space. I think the fact that you havn't seen them is what the main trouble is. They're common as dirt in my area. Matter of fact, when a builder takes his prints to the truss manufacturer, they'll often suggest places where they can make the trusses good for an extra bonus room.
The full head room is only two studs each side of the roof peak, my best guess. I've sleep under one of these for years all though more of a standard roof though... 4/12 verse a 1 to 1 or 1/2 as shown in Picture.:D
LarryFine said:
Au contraire, mon ami! Those trusses are indeed suitable for living space.

The picture may be deceptive. I can't see it. The minimum size of a room for habitable space is 70 sq ft. at least 50% of required area must have head room of 7 ft. That room looks like it is about 2 ft wide at the required 7 ft. of head room and would need to be 18 ft long to meet said requirement of 50%.

The minimum live load rating for a sleeping area that does not exceed 30 psf and those trusses look to be about 12 ft long. The longest span for a 2 X 6 on 24" centers rated not to exceed 30 psf is 9'-11" and that's made from douglas fir-larch SS ( the best there is). For this room to meet the required load rating there would need to be a support walls under it before the 9'-11". Even though the room looks small it's the supporting walls below that count when calculating the span of floor joist.

If someone turned this into living space that's great but I would have my doubts after just seeing the pictures.
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