Fire Alarms

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Re: Fire Alarms

There is no code requirement for fire alarm junction boxes to be painted red. Project spec may require it thogh.
The NEC says that the circuits shall be identified at terminal and junction locations ....

See 760.10
Some AHJ's interpret 760.10 to require painting.
Re: Fire Alarms

Here is the code section that deals with circuit identification.
760.10 Fire Alarm Circuit Identification.

Fire alarm circuits shall be identified at terminal and junction locations, in a manner that will prevent unintentional interference with the signaling circuit during testing and servicing.
Re: Fire Alarms

Make sure you check your local requirements
Washington State:.
009 Emergency systems - equipment identification.

(2) All exit and emergency lights, whether or not required by the NEC, must be installed in accordance with Article 700 NEC.

(3) Device and junction boxes for fire alarm systems other than the surface raceway type, must be substantially red in color, both inside and outside. Power-limited fire protective signaling circuit conductors must be durably and plainly marked in or on junction boxes or other enclosures to indicate that it is a power-limited fire protective signaling circuit.
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