Oakey said:
Buy him a set of linesmans and a screwdriver .....
That might possible be the best advice in this thread.
I'm brutal when it comes to tools (not abusive, but they MUST perform) ...if the tool can't be used for what we as electricians do, what's the point in even buying it?
On one job, the GA shows up with strippers like this:
I was like "We ain't installing car stereos"
Then he whips out his pliers:
I won't even attempt to show this person's idea of a screwdriver.
The kid starts getting all defensive saying that he was told to buy strippers, pliers, etc...
I said...whoa, take it easy Geoffery..return those "things" to "Toy's R Us" ...and use MINE - but you better not
destroy (other words used) them or you'll be buying 2 sets.
Later on he confessed that my tools were much easier to easy ....of course I went on about how some of my mad skills must have made their way into the tools
He laughed, all was good and I said - Keep 'em, when they wear out, buy the SAME items.
Removed that "Blocked Image" nonsense, linked to another equally useless pair of strippers.