First Time GEC Enforcement

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Actually in NC it is "if availlable", NC ammended the 08 (and 05) to keep the wording of the 02.

Click here and go to page 6.


Roger is correct, and I agree 100%. Sometimes our knowings are clouded by not having to do something on a consistent basis. We have never had to do it, because we was never around when the structure was being built, nor was there an inspector standing around making phone calls. Yet, there is no excuse for missing the NEC section! Our code states: If a concrete encased electrode is installed, inspection may be accomplished by the following methods:
(a) At the time of inspection of other work on the project, providing the concrete encased electrode is
accessible for a visual inspection;
(b) At the time of the service inspection providing the installer has provided a method so the inspector can
verify the continuity of the electrode conductor along its entire length (e.g. attaching a length of copper
wire to one end of the electrode that reaches the location of the grounding electrode conductor that will
enable the inspector to measure the resistance with a standard resistance tester). The concrete
encased electrode does not have to be accessible for a visual inspection; or
(c) Other method when prior approval, on a jobsite basis, is given by the inspector.
If a special inspection trip is required to inspect a grounding electrode conductor, a trip fee will be
charged for that inspection in addition to the normal permit fee.

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