FL Masters Exam

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I m getting ready for my unlimited electrical contractors exam here in Florida. I was wondering if anyone out there has taken it here or taken it in another state, is it mostly calculations, and how hard is it really?
I m getting ready for my unlimited electrical contractors exam here in Florida. I was wondering if anyone out there has taken it here or taken it in another state, is it mostly calculations, and how hard is it really?

Should not be a problem at all with your 8000 hours and all the work experiences over the last 4 or 5 years you should do fine.
Study, study, and more study. You need to be extremely fluent with the NEC and associated calculations.

Make sure you have ALL the reference materials and are familar and comfortable using them. If you can, take a FLORIDA based exam prep course within 6 months or so of taking the exam.

Practice and perfect your time management exam skills.

In short, be as prepared as you can possibly be...
Thanks, I went through my journeymen exam and it was a little different than I expected. So I guess prepare for the worst.
The best thing you can do to pass this test is get all the books, hi-light them and know how to reference them. 80% of the test is being able to reference the books, NEC was the most common. The other 20% is calculations, and there are some questions using a set of blueprints included with the test. Mike Holts prep course the week before the test is definetly something you should consider. Also do yourself a favor and pass the business portion BEFORE the technical, because the technical needs your full attention, the business is easy so get it over with asap.
I agree with above(ny)! If you have not contacted Mike Holt Enterprises-you should ! He has a crash course one week before the test which will seriosly get you ready for the test. They will also prep you on how to do the test--how to prepare and how to spend your test time. If you pay attention for the week--you should pass!
I agree, the test is about knowing all your reference books ( all 14 of them ) If you go in thinking you will pass without knowing all the books fuggedabouttit.

If you can afford it and have the time take the week long Mike Holt course to get you prepped. Or you can do the Rich R method and fail the first test then proceed to read all references 3 times from cover to cover to pass.

When I took the test it wasn't computerized yet and was business and technical in the same day. Breaking it up like it is now should allow you to concentrate better

Business portion is strictly based on contractor manual and nothing else, make sure to highlight the hell out of it and know the tax section like the back of your hand
Does FL use the AMP test?

I know my license can be reciprocated w/ FL so I assume its similar if not the same.

I'd caution getting every book on the test. Guys that did that at my testing session didn't finish the test; they were too busy looking up answers.

NEC and ugly's book were enough for me.

I definitely recommend taking a class before the test so you'll know what to expect. I did an 8 hr test in 2, which would give you plenty of time if you felt the need to start looking up answers for double-checking.

I think FL unlimited is slightly longer because it includes the LV test as well.
There is a huge difference between the FL. County Masters test and the state unlimited. The County test just focuses on the NEC, The state unlimited test has everything from Fire alarm code, life safety code, Burglar alarm, NEC, OSHA,Blueprints, Motor controls,business law and accounting, etc.. Like I said there is 14 books and you best know every one like the back of hand. Don't believe me ? go ahead and find out the hard way
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I bought Mike Holt's Florida Master's course six months before the test. I also signed up for the one week class before the test at the same time. Well, i started studying the master's course, but like always, i got busy and never really had a chance to get involved in it! The test date arrived and since i had payed for the classes and had hotel reservations- i figured i'd go just to know how everything works! I arrived at the hotel at 6:30 PM on Sunday evening for classes starting on Monday. I ran into Mike at the front desk. He said "better hurry up, introduction starts in 30 minutes"! Sunday's class ran til 10:00PM and had a reading assignment and homework !!! WHAT !
Well, for those guys who did the "master's course" the classes were just a review! For those who didn't do the "master's course" -- i was lost in 15 minutes!!! Luckily--the two guys on either side of me babysat me thru the entire week--explaining things as we went. It was like i was an hour behind as the class rolled along. Somebody above said you don't need all the books -- if you can't afford the books -- don't take the test! The one week review used every book and so did the test! The one week class taught how to find most of the areas covered by the exam. Not exaggerating ---- by Friday afternoon, i felt like Mike had drilled a 3/4 hole in my head and poured all the refrence materials in. Everything was covered--even how to take the test and what type of snacks to carry. I passed the test thanks to Mike Holt and the two students on either side of me ! And both were out of classification--a lineman and a street lighting maintainance contractor!!!
Somebody above said you don't need all the books -- if you can't afford the books -- don't take the test!

I said it; being able to afford the books has nothing to do with it.

the point i made after the comment was that people ran out of time because they were looking up every answer in the book.

some things you just have to know; i wouldn't advise someone to take the test if they have to look up every single answer.

but here's what i recommend;

answer as much of the test possible from memory; place a mark next to each question you're unsure of and note what you think the answer is. when you're finished, go back and look up answers with your remaining time.
All the listed books required for the test were reviewed in the Mike Holt crash course --certain areas -- to familiarize us with the way the books worked. Most of the test questions, from my test, were not questions concerning things i had experienced--meaning they required me look them up in reference materials. Maybe one question from a book --but i needed every one of them. Because of Mike's course, i had plenty of time to find every answer and time left over at the end of the test. Of course, you don't spend too much time on ANY one question--just make a note of it and continue with the next question---then come back after reaching the end to find the problem questions. Very few questions were stuff you use everyday. To me it was they wanted to know that you had the ability to use refrence materials to find the answers.
Years later, i was asked to join a class to create the questions used in the Florida Masters in Orlando and this same theory was used. It was a three day confrence and i found it interesting .
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