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I think you need E&O insurance to be a consultant like that anyhow. You're not off the hook if something bad happens, even if you only gave advice. Especially if you gave advice for a fee.
mdshunk said:
I think you need E&O insurance to be a consultant like that anyhow. You're not off the hook if something bad happens, even if you only gave advice. Especially if you gave advice for a fee.

I would hope he had more than just E&O ;) (if he even had any) insurance.
Mr.Sparkle said:
Look at his feedback, no one has purchased the advice but it bet the company he works for does a lot of hot tubs.........

According to his listing he works for the City of and lives in Colorado Springs. Sure does have a lot of electrical inventory for someone who works for the City. Hmmmm....
just for fun i went on ebay, to see what all was talking about. seems this guy does a lot of selling.
i need to talk with my brother, in colorado and ask him if he knows about this guy,
Disclaimer:not responsable for any damage to property.

Disclaimer:not responsable for any damage to property.

or hosipital bill or funeral arrangments:grin:
ive been looking for a way to do maintenence on a 2000a amp gear without having to bother the poco to turn it off i wonder if this guy can help me:grin:
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