Florida State Exam

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The Florida Unlimited Electrical Contractors exam is the STATE of Florida's Master Electrical License. This license allows you to qualify an Electrical Contracting Business ANTWHERE in the State of Florida, without restrictions on the type or scope of work you would like to perform.

Does this include the country of Miami?:grin: My Tallahasse journeymans is supposed to be good everywhere in Florida but Miami. I don't know if this is still true, I've had that one for about fifteen years now.
The best thing to do on the test, is knowing where to look up the answer quickly, I believe it is still a timed test, don't spend too much time on the hard ones, come back to those later.
You can force the issue for Journeyman Electrician License Reciprocity with F.S. 489.5335. This law has several requirements, such as having passed an exam to obtain licensing.

However, if you meet all the criteria in the staute the local jurisdiction, even Dade County must comply......
What are the tittles of the 15 or so books permitted to take to the test?

Florida contractors manual, telecommunications wiring, UL 681 (burglar alarms), design and control of concrete mixtures, engineering sign structures, nfpa 101 - life safety code, OSHA 1926, nfpa 780 - lightning protection, security system design and development, neon techniques, ul 365 - police station connected security systems, understanding and servicing alarm systems, fire alarm signaling systems, nfpa 72 - national fire alarm code.
Curious as to what exactly you would need a J-man card to do that you can't without?

Got busted about 20 years ago in Lake City, I think it was, had to have at least one card holder on the job. I've heard there is supposed to be a J-card holder for every two apprentises on the job. In Georgia there is no journeyman card, and one masters license can run as many people as you want. I also have an Evansville, Indiana masters, which is supposed to be good all over Indiana. I also have a Michigan journeyman's license, but had to get a local license in one jurisdiction too because they did not honor the state license.
Florida contractors manual, telecommunications wiring, UL 681 (burglar alarms), design and control of concrete mixtures, engineering sign structures, nfpa 101 - life safety code, OSHA 1926, nfpa 780 - lightning protection, security system design and development, neon techniques, ul 365 - police station connected security systems, understanding and servicing alarm systems, fire alarm signaling systems, nfpa 72 - national fire alarm code.

Thank you.
How many questions are there on this test?
Florida Unlimited Electrical

Florida Unlimited Electrical

This will take you to Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation. From there you can find the candidate information booklet with all the info about the exam.

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Back in the day....1982, I took the County Registured Masters exam ER. Only book required was the NEC. No business questions or anything not covered in the NEC. 1 day about 8 hours. This gave me resoprosity with most counties.Then some years later, about 1988, I was required to take the business portion if I wished to stay in business. I though, great, now I have taken the whole State exam that should make me an EC. Same test = same lisense right, Wrong! Well enough people must haved complained becaue about 2000, I was given x amount of days and x amout of dollars (memory fails me) to register for grandfathering into an EC license!! No more yearly county and city $100.00 registration fees. No more apperances before the good ol' boy boards. Show your card, proof of insurance, workers comp and go to work. I'm sure glad I didn't have to take todays test. Back then it was Registured or Certified. that was it. Now you can pick from about 7 different spcialty electric licenses in Florida.
Well same here just a masters in orlando business and law & masters test i dont use it i work for a electrical contractor .

Plus spent the time in the trade before we took each test not like today as soon as these guys can they run down and take the test then they go into business and cant do the work.

But what makes a fire alarm or security or a concrete mixing test mean you can work anywhere in the state of florida and your a better electrical contractor then just having a masters in the state .

I think it should be called the Handymasters lic !!
there were only like 5 or 6 calculations when i took the test 4 weeks ago. and most of them were voltage drop. none of them were 3 phase. 5 quetions on pull boxes, and alot, i mean alot on security and fire. i know nothing about fire and security, which is why im taking the test again saturday. i fell much better this time, but make sure you know your books

there were no concrete question but there was 1 neon question.

also, anyone know where get get some practice questions on the relay/light bulb sequence questions? those are very confusing to me.
Please be aware that on October 1st 2009, the Florida ECLB begins testing on the 2008 NEC. All exams under the scope and regulation of the ECLB will reference the 2008 NEC. Please prepare accordingly.
I agree! I passed both tests the 1st try and would not have done so without the prep class.

BTW - after passing the test it took 2 weeks to compile all the application documents then 8 weeks for the state to approve me.

Finally have the card and also just got the WBE certification to boot!
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