Food trucks

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It would seem the only way to get around it on the 2017 code is to put the receptacles inside. Maybe a small structure that has an opening for cords. :)
A receptacle for a food truck is covered under Article 525Carnivals, Circuses, Fairs, and Similar Events? :eek:hmy:

That would depend on the venue; in my case, definitely.

It still gets a bit eccentric out in the wild west, when the city is throwing the party then all sorts of protocols go out the window. The purist insisting on going above and beyond winds up with egg on his face, and would be well advised to drive unmarked vehicles if he goes that route. I almost got a tattoo that read, "I plugged in at the last event and the power was just fine - what did you do?!?" but it was too expensive. Lesson learned.
That would depend on the venue; in my case, definitely.

It still gets a bit eccentric out in the wild west, when the city is throwing the party then all sorts of protocols go out the window. The purist insisting on going above and beyond winds up with egg on his face, and would be well advised to drive unmarked vehicles if he goes that route. I almost got a tattoo that read, "I plugged in at the last event and the power was just fine - what did you do?!?" but it was too expensive. Lesson learned.

I agree with you George. Idealism gives way to practicality every time.
Aren't food trucks/trailers licensed or given permits to operate at events? Is an electrical inspection or test too much to expect in exchange for that permit? The vendors need to be notified first, of course.

The inspectors that look at food trucks around here are concerned with hygiene and not versed with electrical safety (or hygiene, from what I've seen.)

The very first 30A 120v receptacle we GFCId caught multiple problems in the trailer. It was sold vs repaired.

That's great. My GFCIs found a plethora of problems too. I was on the event management's dime, not the food truck's. Why should the event pay for my time fixing the food truck, and why should the food truck vendor pay for my time when (a) he bought power at the last show and had no problems, and (b) he didn't invite me to do so anyway, and (c) my best guess at his permanent address is lot 35? Good luck with the billing.

George's dilemma makes me chuckle. Sorry.

I wasn't laughing, and even 590 didn't require it if you looked at it that way.
I’m just glad it was you, and not me. I’ve opened so many cans of worms because I thought I was doing good.

You got got hit with a hell of a mess all at one time, we are starting the process of putting them on grain bin recepts. Augers, welders, fans. It is going to be a cluster ....but at a much slower rate. Not funny in reality.
Food trucks are wired by methheads for free pancakes and GFCIs have no tolerance for them;

that.... is priceless.... and true.

at one time or another, i've done a lot of trade shows.
first go around was in early 1980's, and trade shows
were fueled by freebase, the precursor to crack cocaine.

you'd go into the bathroom to pee at a convention center,
and it sounded like a plumbers convention, with propane
torches whooshing in every stall.

musta been a lot of soldering going on....
Most of these events are organized by the host city or county or private organizer and reservations are made well in advance.

I've been to several RV Rallies where hundreds to a thousand of RVers converged in an area that will dwarf the size of a popular entertainment park.

Attendees are asked what their power needs are. If one requires a 50 Amp service or 30 Amps, they are assigned certain areas where portable generators are deployed and sized according to the total power demand.
Huge cables usually three phase are laid bare on the ground with color codes.

The ground conductor is also laid on the ground that leads to the load center that resembles an octopus where the Rver plugs his rig in.

Whether the RV owner has a built in or detachable ground protection is up to him/her to consider.

My city organizes annual food truck event and food truck owners have the option of using the octopus style above or they can be self contained.

Anyone is invited to sample international ethnic dishes from Mandarin to Greek entrees.

Yum Yum!
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