For all you NJ electricians

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Trovmar said:
Hey Emahler, I would appreciate if you can contact me so i can call you with my questions, and also maybe we can meet up sometime. Also maybe if you recieve any small job's that you aren't interested in you can pass them to me. I am a loyal and honerable person and won't let you down. Thanks :grin:


send me a PM...seriously...
Trovmar said:
I have done service upgrades before, but thus time i was asked for a DR # from the township. I was never asked for this before. I had to call JCPL and leave a message about the upgrade i wanted to do. They called me back the following day and told me they would be out to inspect also. Is this a common practice and i have been doing it wrong the whole time , or is this just for certain townships?:confused: And what is a DR # anyway?
that DR # is control so they make sure that you call the power company after city inspection they will do an inspection for the messenger wire to the pole ,I done a lot of times but is easy to get that dr # just ask for direct phone # at the city you are working i was surprise 2 years ago ,make sure you use the right meter pan & insulated connector for overhead service:cool: I know when they ask for DR # is jersey central territory because pse&g they don`t ask to apply for a permit :rolleyes:
Trovmar said:
I have done service upgrades before, but thus time i was asked for a DR # from the township. I was never asked for this before. I had to call JCPL and leave a message about the upgrade i wanted to do. They called me back the following day and told me they would be out to inspect also. Is this a common practice and i have been doing it wrong the whole time , or is this just for certain townships?:confused: And what is a DR # anyway?
3 phasico got you answer>
Both JCP&L and PSE&G require inspections, and an application to be filed for all new and upgraded services, the DR's also have in been in effect for many years, and the PSE&G meter inspectors, have always required the applicatiion form, nothing new, just a lot of guys, don't know the proper process.
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