Free Access to the 2005 NEC

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Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

If you use the Print Screen feature or any screen capture software, you will get a picture of the text but will not be able to do anything with it unless you paste it into a word processor as a photo. The NFPA is not making this easy nor should they make it easy. :D


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC


I still haven't checked it out but it sounds like it's more rude than anything.

I like the NFPA, I like the NFPA. :roll:

Maybe I'd welcome their demise. If they can't find a better way to behave than acting like it doesn't matter what their attitude towards us is.


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

I suppose I should say something about the NFPA being a non-profit organization that is fighting for their life. Or that they need to continue to have income to be able to revise the various Codes so they can keep up with changing technology. NAH, let's just let them rot and permit the Code to be split into various regions so we end up with a multitude of out of date regional codes. HMMM . . . good idea. :eek:


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

Charlie, I tend to get a little overboard about authority sometimes. I just have a hard time being on the side of an organization if it seems like they're coming off as disingenuous.

Honestly, weighing both sides of the issue, I'd rather keep the NFPA.


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

It would be hard to save on hard drive and print all of the nec but yes it can be done.Print screen ,file,save,copy,paste,then print.Eats about 3 GB if you want all of it and many hours.

If NFPA wanted to boost sales they could produce a CD at a realistic price of maybe $20 then a far larger number of electricians would be buying it.

While i agree that they need to stay alive it is hard to feel sorry for someone who set themselves up in a monopoly and applied greed in pricing.Print copy does cost money because of ink and paper but a CD cost about 20 cents and thats not even in high volume.Perhaps they could use adds to help defray the cost.If this is really a non profit organization then perhaps we need to question where all the money is going.

[ August 03, 2005, 06:09 AM: Message edited by: jimwalker ]


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

Yes Jim, the NFPA really is a non-profit organization. Lets go to some of the big publishing houses and copy their books onto the Internet. Do you think the courts would open up and swallow us into oblivion? I think yes. :D

luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

I still think it's great.

I buy the books, so I really could care less if they made an on-line version availible. But at least now, when someone asks where they can look at it for free, there's a place to send them, and now they don't have to complain about joining the NFPA to view it.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

While i agree that they need to stay alive it is hard to feel sorry for someone who set themselves up in a monopoly and applied greed in pricing.Print copy does cost money because of ink and paper but a CD cost about 20 cents and thats not even in high volume.Perhaps they could use adds to help defray the cost.If this is really a non profit organization then perhaps we need to question where all the money is going.

I really like the NFPA too, but I agree with you regarding the CD. It costs 20 cents to make and a buck to mail so why does it cost so much?


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

1. They created the NEC with one thing in mind,and that is that most would use it
2.They did not do enough research about laws,and that they can not be copyright protected when they are laws.
3.They are non profit but i bet a few get some nice paychecks from it.
4 Now they offer to let us view it free on the internet.That is nice of them and beyond what the law requires.
5.They are still trying to keep it as copyright protected and its not.The law does say it has to be easy to copy ,only that we are allowed.
6.Was there intention for it to be use as a law.And they got there way.
7.Some how it needs to get money.How is up to them but it must stay within the law.
8.They only made 05 available.I think they might need to include 02 and any other years that any one still uses or back off on the copyright issue.

I do not want to see NEC coming to an end but i do want to see them being in compliance with the law.


Staff member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

Originally posted by jimwalker:
I do not want to see NEC coming to an end but i do want to see them being in compliance with the law.

What was the last code book or CD that you purchased?


Staff member
Retired Electrician
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

Jim, is your pay really that low that $60.00 is that big of an issue for you?

Heck, our up and coming apprentices buy it and I haven't heard any of them crying like you do.

I am happy to support the efforts of those involved with these codes and think $60.00 is a very fair price.

Like others here, I don't stop with one book, I purchase (2) copies of NFPA 70, (1) copy of NFPA 72, 99, 101, 110, the UL white book, green book, and the UL orange book set per update, so quit your whinning. :roll:


[ August 03, 2005, 06:14 PM: Message edited by: roger ]


Senior Member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

Roger,your missing the point.No the 60 bucks is not a problem.It is the princeable of the thing.We have all been had for many years and never gave it a thought.But if you don't mind being forced to buy from them at there price then good for you.Personally i like to see competition.

What if anything stop some publishing company from publishing a copy of NEC ?


Staff member
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

Originally posted by jimwalker:
Bob .i have the 02,99,96 paid cash.This is about being forced to pay any price they pick with no competition.
Keep trying to BS me, it might work. :roll:

Do you think the plumbers get there code book for free?

How about carpenters, do they get a free book?

This is just such a non issue. :roll:

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Free Access to the 2005 NEC

And I think it has run its course. Any more discussions, and I think bullets will be flying. So I will end it here. Have a nice day.
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