Had a guy ask me for a ballpark estimate on wiring a 30x30 garage he is having built. He mentioned putting in a paint booth. If he does, and tells the building inspector, I think the booth and boundry area would be a classified area.
I've never had to deal with any of that. What would be required for the booth, such as lights, switches, etc?
it *could* be a classified area, depending on what is sprayed.
waterborne urethane, for example is nonflammable.
no classification.
waterborne epoxies, may or may not be, have to look at the
specific product MSDS.
laquer based products... would be a class 1 division 1 i believe.
spraying ANYTHING in the peoples republic of SCAQMD* is not
even against the law.... they just shoot you on sight. you aren't
even cited for an infraction, just buried in a shallow unmarked
grave. i'm not even sure exhaling is permitted anymore...
here is the section of the code that applies:
(B) Class I or Class II, Division 1 Locations. The following spaces
shall be considered Class I, Division 1, or Class I, Zone 1, or
Class II, Division 1 locations, as applicable:
(1) The interior of spray booths and rooms except as specifically provided in 516.3(D).
(2) The interior of exhaust ducts.
(3) Any area in the direct path of spray operations.
*SCAQMD = southern california air quality management disctrict