garage door clearance

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What do you need a picture for??? picture it in your head...OR when you go home tonight go IN your garage facing your overhead door turn your head to the right or left at the wall and that is where my panel is...Now look above where my panel would be and do you see that rail that your garage door slides on??? well that's the problem I'm having.:D

everyone was confused by what the YOU was trying to present. Based on that, I said post a picture.

I have a clear picture now, and it's (Panel) exactly where I said it was.
Ok now you've got it. Here is the ordinace as it is written for our city. "in new structures, additional working space for switchboards and panel boards operating at 600 volts nominal or less to ground shall extend up two feet more above the required working space from the front face of the switchboard or panelboard. This applies only to equipment not part of the electrical installation. Building construction materials shall be allowed in the two-foot area".........and NO the garage rail is apparently not building constuction material...:mad: So yes it is the working space not the dedicated space. If it was the dedicated space there would be no prob since it's in the wall and the rail is not above that area. It's 2ft out from the wall...

The garage rail is not part of the building construction? Really? I can't remember a residential garage built in my lifetime that did not have those rails. If the door hinges on my dairy barn are in the working space do they violate 110.26 also?

Doors to a house are part of its construction. A door on a garage is part of its construction in my book. The rails are part of the door.

How do you know that the rails are not part of the building construction? Is there a definition clause in the local amendment that says its not or just the inspectors opinion?
I think it is time to build a 30" wide structural ceiling at 6.5' above that panel and below the garage rail. Put a cove light above it to give it legitimacy.

I have a basic question about 110.26. Where is the requirement that this be kept totally open?
110.26 says you need sufficient access space.
Part (A) says what it applies to and how deep, wide, and tall it must be. It also says the space must be "clear".
Part (B) says it shall be not be used for storage. If "clear" above meant totally clear, then no storage or anything else would be allowed. So what is the scope of clear?
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