My neighbor recently had a service upgraded to his garage when I was over there yesterday I was looking at the installation and a couple things seemed to be missing he had an old Edison based fuse panel with only 4 sockets, he replace it with a 60A MLO panel board, the load side of the meter was tapped and disc placed adjacent to it with a 60A breaker within it. The N-G connection is made at the disc and 4-W run to the garage panel approx 20? away from the house where there is a ground bar bonded to the cabinet and the neutral not bonded as no ground screw was used to bond the neutral to the case. My question is that no ground rods were installed, should the garage panel have a ground rod. I thought you had to place a ground rod at a panel in a separate structure? Would you be required to put one at the disc. Located at the disc. Sw adjacent to the meter also??