Garage romex protection

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Senior Member
Where in the code is it required, (or not) the need to protect NM cable run in a garage, horizontally through bored holes in stud runs that are exposed (not covered with drywall?
Items can be hung from the cable for example, pulling the cable from its connectors. So is drywall or similar material required to cover the cables? And if so, where required in NEC?
This is pretty much open to interpretation:

In exposed work, except as provided in 300.11(A), cable shall be installed as specified in 334.15(A) through (C).
(A) To Follow Surface. Cable shall closely follow the surface of the building finish or of running boards.
(B) Protection from Physical Damage. Cable shall be protected from physical damage where necessary by rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, Schedule 80 PVC conduit, or other approved means. Where passing through a floor, the cable shall be enclosed in rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, Schedule 80 PVC conduit, or other approved means extending at least 150 mm (6 in.) above the floor.
Where in the code is it required, (or not) the need to protect NM cable run in a garage, horizontally through bored holes in stud runs that are exposed (not covered with drywall?
Items can be hung from the cable for example, pulling the cable from its connectors. So is drywall or similar material required to cover the cables? And if so, where required in NEC?

If I understand your post, no protection is required other than from the front edge of the stud. Assuming a wall.

If the ceiling, how is this different from a basement ceiling?
Where in the code is it required, (or not) the need to protect NM cable run in a garage, horizontally through bored holes in stud runs that are exposed (not covered with drywall?
Items can be hung from the cable for example, pulling the cable from its connectors. So is drywall or similar material required to cover the cables? And if so, where required in NEC?

Is this a dwelling? Is the garage attached or detached . does 334.10 (2008)work for you?
Got it drummed in that if you leave an exposed wire someone will hang
something on it , wedge behind it or lean against it. My mentor stressed
code or no code leave nothing to chance, always protect against the off
chance of wear,damage or just plain blind foolishness. He also kept a fridge
stocked at the shop for days end...always prepared he was.
protect against physical damage
I got gigged once for using conduit to protect some romex for a short (3') run to get to a wall as the conduit derates in size so much with "insulated wires". Does this still apply to a short sleeve thru a stud or joist?
The derating normally doesn't apply until you nipple is longer than 24", but new '08 provisions to 344.80 will effect NM installation of any length when they pass thru any fire or draft stopped member.
Thanks AUGIE. I got confused on trying to use the tables and measuring the romex and that came out different than a chart I had for romex sizes so I was just wondering about this
Keep in mind that although you have to protect romex per it 60? ampacity, it is a 90? insulated cable, so derating will apply to the 90? rating and won't cause you much of a problem with 12s and 14s normally until you get to the 10 currerent carrying condcutor.
Stay with us here and continue to contribute, soon you will find the real heros.
There is a wealth of info avialble on the Forum and many who outshine me 10 to 1.
Keep in mind that although you have to protect romex per it 60? ampacity, it is a 90? insulated cable, so derating will apply to the 90? rating and won't cause you much of a problem with 12s and 14s normally until you get to the 10 currerent carrying condcutor.

So, if I got it right 334.80 says to derate according to Table 310.15(B)(2)(a) which tells me that I use 80% for 4-6 current carring conductors (i.e. 2-3 two conductor cables). For 12AWG and 14AWG, respectively, I see that it's 25 and 30A ... so derating those would be more than 20 and 15A, so 20A and 15A still apply... Right?
So, if I got it right 334.80 says to derate according to Table 310.15(B)(2)(a) which tells me that I use 80% for 4-6 current carring conductors (i.e. 2-3 two conductor cables). For 12AWG and 14AWG, respectively, I see that it's 25 and 30A ... so derating those would be more than 20 and 15A, so 20A and 15A still apply... Right?
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