Garbage disposal cord

110.8 Wiring Methods. Only wiring methods recognized as
suitable are included in this Code. The recognized methods of
wiring shall be permitted to be installed in any type of building
or occupancy, except as otherwise provided in this Code.
Good points lots of people forget to look in 110, but I'd say DBZ prevails
I would cite Article 400.10 (7) claiming the prevention of vibration. I know my disposal shakes my whole sink.
400.10(7) has now recognized cord wiring method so 110.8 is met and nothing in 422 is overruling 400.10(7). 422 would need language saying a cord is not permitted unless..
I have seen a disposal wired with just a whip of NM cable get called out and flagged but not a hard wired cord, though it would have to be one of the cord types in 400.6 and not some unmarked cord. And sized per 400.5.
400.10(7) has now recognized cord wiring method so 110.8 is met and nothing in 422 is overruling 400.10(7). 422 would need language saying a cord is not permitted unless..
400.2 says that you have to comply with not only something in Article 400 but in other code articles as well. If something is 422 is more restrictive than that must be followed.

400.2 Other Articles.
Flexible cords and flexible cables shall comply with this article and with the applicable provisions of other articles of this Code.
400.2 says that you have to comply with not only something in Article 400 but in other code articles as well. If something is 422 is more restrictive than that must be followed.
OK, but nothing in 422 is more restrictive. 422.16 is a permissive rule and does not impose restrictions.

Cheers, Wayne
Or maybe the point is that 422.16(B)(1) is written as it is to allow adding a cord and plug to any garbage disposal, even one that only discusses hard wiring in its instructions.
Strike that, that doesn't make sense, as one of the requirement is that in 422.16(B)(1) is "a flexible cord identified as suitable in
the installation instructions of the appliance manufacturer."

So I'm back to thinking that the choice of "shall be permitted" in 422.16(B)(1) is a mistake.

Cheers, Wayne