Garbage disposal shut off switch

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Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

welllll, not that I'm aware of Bob..Just a local thing,that Chief Inspector requires in my area, and his jurisdiction.. :D
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

In order to use the unit switch as a disconnect, it must disconnect all ungrounded conductors. Many do not. Others switch the nuetral to shut the appliance off.

I personally have never called it as an inspection item, because I can't dream of this being a problem in a dwelling. Honestly, can you see someone have an appliance repair guy in the kitchen with the dishwasher ripped apart, and someone going sdown to the panel and saying "gee, I wonder why the dishwasher circuit is off", and then turning it on? I can't think that this would ever happen, I mean honestly.
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

no, haven't had the need to call repair man out to the house yet, to service my dishwasher and also hope I never need him..
And,I don't wire homes,so never had to install this switch for this servicing purpose. Just picked it up in a conversation, with my Chief Inspector in my area.

His Inspectors,enforce this in his jurisdiction..I was in the wondering though, if any other jurisdictions was requiring this also..

Edited: I do know it to be a local requirement here.

[ June 08, 2005, 09:34 PM: Message edited by: dillon3c ]
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Iwire could you please post the code section that says that a switch w/ off on it is all that is required?
I have personaly installed a whole lot of dishwashers in my years of building homes,and everyone clearly stated disconect from power source before servicing!
Thank You
I found it!!!
2002 NEC handbook 422.33
A unit switch w/ a marked off position that is a part of an appliance and disconects ALL UNGROUNDED CONDUCTORS shall be permited as the disconecting means required by this article.
So that does not apply to a dishwasher because as stated above disconect from power source before servicing

[ June 09, 2005, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: be4jc ]
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Be4, not meaning to answer for Bob, but 422.34 would be the article and section.

Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Be4, you got your edit in before I posted. ;)

Anyways 422.34 (C) is relevant here.

Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Thanks for the assist Roger, as usual you knew what I was thinking. :)

Be4, this use of the unit switch as disconnecting means is one NEC section I do not agree with. In my opinion the disconnecting means should be outside the unit it serves.

That said the NEC does allow it and if I was an inspector I would have to accept it. :(
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

oooops hit the wrong key & didn't proof read :)

[ June 09, 2005, 06:09 PM: Message edited by: be4jc ]
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Originally posted by be4jc:
still on a D W you will need a disco other than the off position of the unit controller do we agree?
(as per manufactures specs.) :)
No I do not agree it is required.

The manufacture may state "remove all power before servicing" but that is far from a mandate as to how or where it is done.

I could remove all power by opening the breaker, manufactures 'requirement' fulfilled.

I am not even sure that those generic warnings are in fact part of the listing and labeling. I have seen these generic warnings state "do not use in the tub" is that enforceable by the local inspector? :cool:
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Geez. I'm almost sorry I asked anything. How did dishwashers get into this Anyway. My original post stated that it was the project supers call not MINE. He got it from another AHJ . Not ME. Man you people carry this stuff to far. It was a simple question.
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Good morning,19 days later sir..If you check through thread,topic of thread turned to motor-rated "fasten in place appliances" throughout dwelling unit kitchen,inlew of why disconnecting means(*location) for motor rated appliance,would be required in these situations in general.(in relationship to your same original question in my opinion)And yes,the falt of responsibility would be mine.

*garbage disposal

I think,I refered to your original posting,and the AHJ's thinking/in original post relationship behind it,in almost every time I posted.

When I did refer to the ahj..Sorry,had no idea you might be one.For some odd reason,didn't check your profile..Didn't mean to high-jack your thread.

*have a nice day sir,

[ June 13, 2005, 12:01 PM: Message edited by: dillon3c ]
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

OK nascar I will just ask the same question I did last time.

What code section would you cite to prevent the switch from being under the sink?

If the switch is located above the counter as you seem to want and the disposal is hard wired you could (should) require a switch under the counter to comply with the in sight rules for motors. :)

Keep in mind it is your job to enforce the NEC as written or amended by your area, you do not get to add rules that you think have been overlooked. :cool:
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

nascar why would you complain about starting such a great discution?
I personaly love it when I post a topic such as this & it gets so much response!!! :D
Thank You Mr. Holt

[ June 13, 2005, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: be4jc ]
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

Hey what do you know i did ask sort of the same question a year ago! And to repeat. Within 3'... NOT MY CALL.
Just wanted some opinions AGAIN. Man lighten up. It's a forum and I do enjoy the ---- out of the responses. Thanks, Nascar
Re: Garbage disposal shut off switch

"lightin -up"

Hey nascar,
No big deal..But inspector, would you kind enuff to remind me of this next year in refering to your future upcoming -identical threads-? :cool:
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