Gas and water pipe bonding

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I get using the the water pipe as an electrode or any other as it is defined by the code per article 250.50.

In freaking 30 years I don’t think I have ever seen it done.

Todays homes maybe wouldn’t need it with PEX but the older one most likely unless they have been replaced had a metal water pipe entering the structure and most likely were never properly used per code.

My home inspected built in the late 70’s wasn’t.

Over the weekend I was talking with a former employer, whom might not be 100% clear on it.

During that conversation he was telling me that, he was on a job and a plumber was removing a water meter and as soon as he made the break from the line from the house, he was getting the full brunt of. Utility lost a neutral.

Anyway the way the code reads, it is as if you are supposed to run to that first joint for the electrode, and then, have to also bond. Whether accurate or not, it is not 100% clear.
Anyway the way the code reads, it is as if you are supposed to run to that first joint for the electrode, and then, have to also bond. Whether accurate or not, it is not 100% clear
What part do find unclear? The requirement is to connect the GEC to the water pipe electrode within 5' of the entry of the pipe into the structure. If there are removable objects like a water meter then a jumper is required around the meter. The GEC can connect to either side of the meter as long as the connection is within 5'.
Dude the meter is at the street. I’ve seen a gas meter right at the structure like the electric never a water meter.

250.53 an 250.104

Why as an electrode and the bonding of
Dude the meter is at the street. I’ve seen a gas meter right at the structure like the electric never a water meter.

250.53 an 250.104

Why as an electrode and the bonding of
Sorry for my lack of knowledge. What is it that I have been missing?

It was a very small print called an exception wasn’t hitting me between the eyes. Due to frustration, of 30 years of all involved most likely not knowing themselves or not concerned with making those they train to know and understand why something is done.

If someone would have said look for an exception. That is what is most overlooked.

It does not change the fact that the for some reason I have never seen it enforced that the incoming water line which is an electrode and the GEC is supposed to go there.
House I grew up in had the water meter in the basement and a large gauge jumper around the meter connecting the copper pipe.
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