This one of my favorite soap box issues? but Marc beat me to the punch. I would like to add a few points I make with every GC that has ever given me a contract:
1) There is temporary lighting as required by OSHA (Illumination 1926.56) AND there is there is TASK LIGHTING, they are not the same thing. My proposal only covers temporary lighting, while the TASK LIGHTING is the responsibility of which ever trade feels like they need more than 5 foot candles to perform their work. If the GC would like for me to furnish task lighting, I will gladly give them a price for it but its not free or included in my temporary lighting allowance. Please don?t try to tell me the story about the painters needing light so the paint will match, I have heard it before and we both know it is BS.
2) I only furnish temporary lights, and receptacles. Temporary power, ie consumption is by others, ie the GC.
3) My proposal, and contract stipulate an allowance for temporary lights and receptacles, feel free to use is all up on as many frivolous items as you like but once its it gone you start issuing change orders for any more lamps, 480V hookups, or anything else you might think you need. Temporary lights and receptacles is not an open check book invitation to get free stuff.