Gec in meter pan

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Try to explain my service. I have 400 amp main disconnect feeding 4 100 amp meters that have 4 100 amp breaker enclosures off them which in turn feed 4 panels with service cable downstream. This whole service starts from top to bottom Main disconnect to trough and so on and it is all in EMT except for the service cable obviously. So here is my question do I have to run a GEC through the whole system?including the meter pan (5 terminal) or is the equipment sufficient?

Should everything after the main disconnect be treated as a sub panel?
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I'd ground it the 400A main. Routing the GEC through the rest of the metering section would be a real pain.

It is grounded in the main,I wanted to know if I had to extend the GEC through the rest of the system and land it in the Meter,trough and breaker enclosures?Or is the equipment sufficient enough considering it is metallic?
The GEC need only be connected to the grounded conductor at the 400 amp service disconnecting means.

Take a look at 250.24(A).

I agree also just wanted to verify that the trough,meters and breaker enclosure didn't have to be bonded via conductor

Enclosures and equipment located on the load side of the service disconnecting means can be grounded and bonded by the use of metallic raceways, fittings and standard locknuts.

Enclosures and equipment located on the load side of the service disconnecting means can be grounded and bonded by the use of metallic raceways, fittings and standard locknuts.


So if all fittings are tight meaning no concentrics are used the only wires I will need through my system are the 2 hots and neutral? If a concentric is used I would need to bond it using table 250.122 I think. This of course is after the Main disconnect.
So if all fittings are tight meaning no concentrics are used the only wires I will need through my system are the 2 hots and neutral? If a concentric is used I would need to bond it using table 250.122 I think. This of course is after the Main disconnect.

Correct, EMT is considered to be an EGC in accordance with 250.118 and an additional EGC of the wire type is not required on the load side of the service disconnecting means.

Also with concentric knock outs, no bonding jumper is required for systems under 250 volts to ground.

For bonding over 250 volts the enclosure with the concentric or eccentric knockouts would need to be listed for grounding to be used without a bonding bushing which i believe most equipment for use with systems over 250 volts are.

First Means of Disconnect

First Means of Disconnect

First Means of Disconnect is where your GECs need to bond the Nuetral Conductor.However, in Fla., it sometimes is simply the meter housing. Remember the difference between your GEC and a E.G. Typically, in other states we bonded the nuetral at the First means of disconnect...
IT seems the AHJ changes per geaographical area's.
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