Generac Generator Question

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Hi: Long time, no post- Sorry
Installing a 17KW Generac generator with an RTS 200A service rated switch. There is confusion between generator and switch manuals as to whether or not a wire is needed between the "0" terminal of generator and "0" of switch. It looks to me like a redundant ground. This generator has a built in battery charger powered on the T1 terminal from a 120V wire from transfer switch fused supply, but don't know about "0". Any help out there. The manuals seem to contradict each other. Thanks in advance to any help.:-?
Unless they have changed, all of the small Generacs I have wired had 240 volt battery chargers. Havn't done one though in several years though, so the may have changed. The Generators that I have done lately is 1 meg Kohlers and 600 Kw Cats. If it is water cooled, the block heater is 120 though.
No, this is an air cooled one with the newest DLM (Digital Load Management) system that you can hook up several high load 240 devices and the module will stagger the starting load if they come on at once. The battery charger is integral with the generator (which is new to me as they used to be separate). It is powered by T1 (120V), but am still unclear as to "0" terminal needing a wire? Thanks
You do need it, the battery charger will not work without the 0 and T1 lines, found that out the hard way. By the way the Nexius Smart Switch part of the ATS also does not work without the 0 line.
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That's what I needed to know. The manual really isn't clear on this. Generac's generator and transfer switch instructions do align up. Thanks a bunch for this, for as you know, I would be a wire short in the harness if I found out later that "0" was needed. Thanks again. What a forum!!!:):)
I am a little late with this reply, however just ran into this problem; I am installing a 20KW Nexus with an RTSD ATS with load shed. I ran all of the control wires EXCEPT the "0" (Zero) wire. I now understand this wire is required for the Load Shed module DC voltage.

There is no way I will be able to run another wire to the generator. Are there any alternatives? Looking at the 20KW schematic, the zero wire is tied into the same same ground as everything else in the generator... both AC and DC. If this is the case, couldn't I just jump the zero wire in the ATS to ground in the panel? I am looking for any alternative rather than running another wire. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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