Generator KVAR?

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Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by rattus:
One more time:

You do not multiply vectors to obtain power. ...
Well, you do have to choose the correct vectors and multiplication technique. There are two vector multiplication techniques; one yields a vector (also called the "cross" product), the other yields a scalar (also called the "dot" product).

"Real Power" is the scalar product of the instantaneous current and voltage vectors. The cosine of the angle between the instantaneous current and voltage vectors when they are "linearly translated" to a common coordinate system and their ordinate points (tail) matched is the is the power factor.

When it was common to use such tools, the young engineer found the veteran quietly working on various long computations with his slide rule and a pad of paper.

Interrupting his mentor's work he asked him, "What's two times two."

Absent mindedly, the senior began manipulating the rods and cursor, "Well, let's see it's 3.99..., Ah hell, make it four."
Sometimes the process gets in the way of reality; but usually for practical applied engineering purposes, "close enough is close enough." The "vectorizing" of power computations is useful because it "works" and results in values close enough for practical use - but it isn't reality.

If we added a 10hp and a 200hp motor to the same bus, we would rarely even think about the fact that they had significantly different power factors.

[ April 09, 2005, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: rbalex ]
Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by rbalex:
Originally posted by rattus:
[qb] One more time:

You do not multiply vectors to obtain power. ...
Well, you do have to choose the correct vectors and multiplication technique. There are two vector multiplication techniques; one yields a vector (also called the "cross" product), the other yields a scalar (also called the "dot" product).

Reply: Sure Bob, but we use scalars to obtain average power from the product of two scalars, namely the RMS magnitudes of V and I. Now you are going to make me review vector algebra.
Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by rattus:
Sure Bob, but we use scalars to obtain average power from the product of two scalars, namely the RMS magnitudes of V and I. Now you are going to make me review vector algebra.
If you really want to get technical about it, multiplying scalar (which you are correct, they definitely are) RMS values of current and voltage, don't result in average power either - even if they are "in phase." Its too bad the RMS acronym is partially derived from the term mean too, because the value computed isn't mean power either. Ah, but then what is it? It obviously has some meaning or we wouldn't use it.

Reviewing scalar and vector products may be useful, since there is no way to directly derive VARs from either one of them without simply imposing a value "by conventional".
Re: Generator KVAR?

OK Bob, I dusted off Sokolnikoff and Sokolnikoff, and you can consider power to be the scalar product of two pseudo-vectors.

Now if we don't get average power from this product, what do we get? Seems that the definition of RMS values is based on average power.
Re: Generator KVAR?


Off to see the grandkids; I may not be back 'til Monday so I will leave you the National Institute of Science and Technology's web page regarding SI units.

I was astonished myself that the second - the SECOND - was not "finally" defined until 1967 - that's within most of our lifetimes - its "affirmation" is even within the careers of just about everyone who frequents this forum.

Review the "offcial" definitions of Ampere, Volt and Watt. Then think about why we need RMS values for "practical" reasons for any of them in the first place.

I still assert instantaneous values of Amperes and Volts are true vector quanties; they have true magnitude and direction in the "real world."
Re: Generator KVAR?

Bob, have a nice weekend, then when you return you can explain to me why instantaneous values are vectors. Rattus
Re: Generator KVAR?

Now you're just being difficult.

If it is not intuitively obvious that at any given instant in time current and voltage have a magnitude and direction in an active circuit (in voltage's case from a higher to lower potential) then this has become a semantic argument rather than a discussion in physics.

(Luckily my son has Internet access to and its early in the morning)
Re: Generator KVAR?

Bob, a vector to me must have a direction in 3-dimensional space, e.g., force, acceleration, velocity, electromagnetic fields, etc. I can't make the translation to instantaneous values of voltage and current.

Educate me. Rattus
Re: Generator KVAR?

I thought this thread would have been dead while I was gone!!

Rattus: An object doesn't have to have a direction to be a vector. Example: If you have 2 quarts of water in a jug, I can represent that by a one dimensional vector pointing from 0 to 2 on the real number line. If you add two more quarts of water, I can represent it with another vector. Then I can place the two vectors head to tail and add them vocationally to find the result if 4 quarts.

If you look in any linear mathematics book, a vector is just a row or column matrix. So it is really just an ordered set of numbers, with the added requirement that the components are "orthogonal". So vectors can represent pure mathmatical equations too. In fact, I'm not sure there is anything that couldn't be represented by vectors.

Re: Generator KVAR?


The graph of power in a AC circuit with a sine wave voltage is not a sine wave. It is the square of a sine wave, and that gives it a slightly different shape.
Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by rattus:
Bob, a vector to me must have a direction in 3-dimensional space, e.g., force, acceleration, velocity, electromagnetic fields, etc. I can't make the translation to instantaneous values of voltage and current.

Educate me. Rattus
Are you saying you have a problem with differential calculus?

I'm not saying that to be snide; I'm saying that, while the overall processes may be analyzed with various mathematical techniques under various operating ?domains,? the processes happen in real time.

In one of the posts above, I chose a reference to emphasize that, "A vector can be seen as relative changes in position."

The instantaneous current vector indicates the rate (dimension) of charge/second in a specific direction (depending on convention) in "3-dimensional space." The instantaneous voltage vector indicates the change in electric field strength (dimension) in the direction (depending on convention) of higher to lower potential in "3-dimensional space."

RMS values are the dimensional construct equivalents that have been found to permit steady-state AC systems to be analyzed as DC systems. That is, they have the same effective value over indefinite time. They have no "direction."

I found this web page to review RMS. I was wondering if you have been coming from perspective of the last paragraph under ?Uses.?
Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by steve66:

The graph of power in a AC circuit with a sine wave voltage is not a sine wave. It is the square of a sine wave, and that gives it a slightly different shape.
Steve -

I'm not getting it yet. My understanding is:

sin^2(x) = 1/2 - 1/2 cos(2x)

The frequency is doubled, and it is displaced up, but I'm pretty sure the shape is the same.


Re: Generator KVAR?

I'm not getting it yet. My understanding is:

sin^2(x) = 1/2 - 1/2 cos(2x)

The frequency is doubled, and it is displaced up, but I'm pretty sure the shape is the same.
I thought the shape changed, but I am starting to think I was wrong. (I remembered a graph with straighter sides that looked like the top half was stretched up, and the bottom half was compressed).

That above identity doesn't hold for voltage and current out of phase. For example, sin x * sin (x+45). But I tried it out on a graphing calculator, and it still looks like a sine wave :confused:
Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by steve66:
... That above identity doesn't hold for voltage and current out of phase. For example, sin x * sin (x+45). But I tried it out on a graphing calculator, and it still looks like a sine wave :roll:

Re: Generator KVAR?

When I have two pretty sharp people explaining the error of my thinking, it really makes me re-think my reasoning.

I'm thinking we are looking at two different things. If I am translating correctly, most of your (plural) posts are dealing only with Real Power (P). The concept I am looking at is Complex Power, S = P + jQ

Here is what I'm hearing that is causing me difficultly:

1. Power is not a sinusoidal function.

2. Power is not the cross product of the V and I vectors.

3. Power is not a vector. It has only magnitude, no direction.

Here is my thinking:

Mathematics is (are?) the abstract techniques we use to model real phenomena. The model is not reality. For example, voltage is represented by a vector, current is represented by a vector. Vectors and vector math are abstract techniques we use to represent\describe\predict the V, I behavior.

Power triangles, Parallel law of addition, VIcos(theta), V X I, V (dot) I, complex numbers, polar coordinates, rectangular coordinates, matrices, power triangles - all methods of dealing with vectors, which we use to represent the behavior of reality.

Originally posted by rattus:
... The product of two sinusoids is not another sinusoid. The power wave for a resistive load is sin squared and looks something like full wave rectified DC. It is all positive and is certainly not sinusoidal. ...
I would tend not to agree. For the case of a resistive load, sin^2(x) = 1/2 - 1/2 cos(2x)

Yes, it?s all positive, but it is sinusoidal. Okay, it's co-sinusoidal. But if we wait 12.5ms, it will be sinusoidal :D

Originally posted by rattus:
... You drop the phase angle from the voltage and current phasors and you are left with the RMS magnitudes. Multiply these scalars together for apparent power. Throw in PF, another scalar, for real power. ...
Well, that would be called the "dot product" of the V, I vectors. Yes, the answer is a scalar. For a resistive load, this works well.

The Complex Power vector derived from V X I (cross product) also contains the same information. It can be represented in rectangular coordinates as S = P + jQ, where P is the projection of S on the real axis. It can also be represented in Polar Coordinates as (R, theta), where R = magnitude(S) and theta = the phase angle. And the power triangle mentioned in a previous post is just another method to handle the vector algebra.

The Complex Power vector also contains additional information. In particular the phase angle tells the reactive nature of the load.

Originally posted by rattus:
... You can add real and reactive power as you would add two vectors, but that does not make the sum a vector. ...
Why wouldn't it be a vector? This representation of the Complex Power vector has magnitude and direction.

Originally posted by rattus:
... The angle of the power triangle is arccos(PF); it is not the sum of the voltage and current angles. ...
I'm lost on this one. Yes, the power triangle angle is arcos(pf). But pf comes from the cos(theta) in the power triangle. And isn?t that the same angle as the angle between the V and I vectors.

Assuming only one generating source and the frame of reference is either the V vector direction or the I vector direction, then it seems the angle is the sum of the voltage and current vectors. As far as a power triangle not being a vector, okay, it is just another method of handling the vector algebra.

Originally posted by Bob:
quote: ... The problem is, for practical purposes, the "math" appears to be the same, so we attribute "vectorness" to power. But in "real life" there is no "relative change in position" for power as there is with current and voltage. (And don't try to make the argument of generation / consumption - it won't fly - you know the "vector" diagram isn't showing that)
I'm not sure what part of real life you are looking at.

As far as a "relative change in position", take the case on an industrial plant. One adds the real power to the reactive power. Convention is: positive real power (P) is to the right; positive reactive power (Q) is up and is defined as inductive; positive phase angle is anti-clockwise from the positive P axis.

In this case, the power company measures it, measures the phase angle, and it is close enough to real life that they will charge extra real dollars if the phase angle gets too large.

Now let?s take the case of two generating plants, feeding a common line. The only one I am familiar with is the one around here. The local generation is 120 MW. There is a 350 mile tie line to the "big city" generation - could be as much as 1000 MW. They sell power to us. In conversation with the transmission line guys, they talk about "loading the line with VARS? They could do that by either increasing the power angle at the far away plant or they could switch in capacitors along the line - VAR correction they call it. All consistent with vector operations, and vector algebra.

Humm ? I wonder if one can load the line with VARS from the close end, and still get the power to transfer from the far end. I?ll have to ask the transmission line guys next time I see them.

Originally posted by Bob:
Originally posted by coulter
"Complex power looks like a vector to me."

That is indeed the problem - it looks like one.

... The problem is, for practical purposes, the "math" appears to be the same, so we attribute "vectorness" to power.

... Apparent Power" and "Reactive Power" are pseudo-vectors created to make the math work.
Humm ... A "vector" is a mathematical abstract concept used to calculate/predict a real world phenomenon. A "pseudo-vector" is a mathematical abstract extension of a vector. (carl's definitions)

So, if I am translating you correctly, Complex Power looks like a vector and the vector math works, but it?s not a vector.

Well, okay, but if we are using an abstract concept and an extension of an abstract concept to describe a real world event, and the math works, accurately predicting the behavior of the phenomena, why not call it a vector. :p

Re: Generator KVAR?

I must confess I?m perplexed.

I keep going back and reviewing the IEEE definitions I posted. I wonder if I?ve missed something; they seemed clear enough for this discussion. Yet, on one hand we have someone who can?t seem to see instantaneous currents and voltages are vector quantities ? and on the other, there are those who want to attribute vector properties to other physical properties because the math appears to be the same. In one case, there has even been the denial that a fundamental property of vectors (direction) is necessary ? again simply because matrices may used to analyze vectors.

The various mathematical techniques available for analysis do not change the fundamental nature of vectors, nor do they make vectors out of other physical properties that may be analyzed similarly.

It seems futile to continue, if we can?t even agree on what a vector is rather than how it may be analyzed.
Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by rbalex:
I must confess I?m perplexed.
I'm with you on this issue.

Originally posted by rbalex:
I keep going back and reviewing the IEEE definitions I posted. I wonder if I?ve missed something; they seemed clear enough for this discussion.
Yeah, I've got about six hours in this project. Part of that was spent reviewing the IEEE definitions. I don't have any comment on if I think you missed something. :)

Originally posted by rbalex:
... there are those who want to attribute vector properties to other physical properties because the math appears to be the same.
Guilty. I see math as a method of modeling real phenomena. The numbers, arrows, matrices, triangles, imaginary numbers, coordinate systems are all just a method of making a predictable model. And if the math appears to be the same such that the difference is undetectable, then yes, guilty again.

Originally posted by rbalex:
... The various mathematical techniques available for analysis do not change the fundamental nature of vectors, ...
Absolutely agree.

Originally posted by rbalex:
... nor do they make vectors out of other physical properties that may be analyzed similarly.
This is where I am getting stuck. Vectors are just an abstract mathematical concept we use to model the real world. (my paraphrase of the IEEE definition) I don't see what is to "make vector" or not make vector. If the abstract concept applies, fine, if not, also fine.

My turn for a parenthetical example: (take your self back 40 years to 1965)

This existentialist comes out of a Nietzsche conference on abstract frames of reference. As he is walking down the block there is an auto-pedestrian accident right next to him. The pedestrian gets knocked into the air and lands in front of the existentialist. As the guy is laying there bleeding and in a definite hurt, he looks up and says, ?Call me an ambulance. Call me an ambulance.?

The existentialist looks down at him for a few seconds, shrugs his shoulders, and says, Okay man, you?re an ambulance.? :D :D

Re: Generator KVAR?

Originally posted by rbalex:
So, you're saying we should shrug our shoulders and call power a vector?
Bob -

Short answer is, "No".

I don't know you other than the tone and content of your posts. From those things I am guessing that you rarely get slapped around about your understanding of mathematics. Why? Cause your posts are generally clear, concise and understandable.

You are stuck on Complex Power not being a vector, and I don't understand why that is. I tried, but the posts don't add up to a clear, concise, understandable, reasoning for me (I say again - for me.)

I presented my reasoning as to why I think Complex Power can be treated as a vector. My translation of your responses is, "Power is not a vector." Okay, I understand you think that, I got it.

I don't have anything to say to advance my argument, nor has my repeated review of your posts gained me any new understanding. So, I'm done.

You say it's not a vector, fine, it's an ambulance. :) Or, a Rose by any other name still walks like a duck. :) I could use some help here with a few more trashed metaphors. :roll:

So, my inclination is the next time this comes up, would be to reply, "I am not commenting on if Complex Power is a vector, however all vector math operations known to me work as though it is.


edited to add: I notice you always say "power" and never "complex power. I mentioned this in a previous post and I'm still wondering if you always mean real power (P) and are limiting all discussion to the case where jQ = 0.

[ April 12, 2005, 07:33 PM: Message edited by: coulter ]
Re: Generator KVAR?

I have to agree with Bob's comment in that I believe we are mostly arguing over semantics. (Something I don't really think is worthy of our time). For the record, I agree with Coulter. If it quacks like a duck.....

Bob, you also mentioned something about treating power as a vector giving "close" answers. But I don't see anything in the process that doesn't give exact answers.

The one thing that I am left wondering is does the power waveform have a sine shape (with shifted phase and a dc component), or is it truly a different shape?
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