Generator Panel Question.

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luke warmwater

Senior Member
Re: Generator Panel Question.

Don't forget about 250.24(A)(5).

If I understand your original post, it sounds like they connected with EMT and then binded the neutral to the can. Are all of your neutrals and grounds connected on the same bar in the subpanel??

Generac 4675

I don't know what that one is. :confused:
Was it purchased through a homecenter?


Senior Member
Re: Generator Panel Question.

If we were all perfect inspections would be a thing of the past :D Some think it is ok to run the ground in the emt after the main OCPD and keep it a 3 wire system :D


Senior Member
Re: Generator Panel Question.

"* This NEC? Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries.
Questions of a "How-To" nature by persons not involved in the electrical industry will be removed without notice.
Please read our rules and disclaimers. "

This is why i posted as i did.Your not in this field.


Re: Generator Panel Question.

Originally posted by luke warmwater:

Generac 4675

I don't know what that one is. :confused:
Was it purchased through a homecenter?
Yes, 4675. No outlet on the outside of the unit, no 12volt plug under the hood. It is a "bare-bones" version of the 4390. I didn't buy the "kit" because I am not your typical homeowner...I wanted less kit like installation then is provided for by the kit with the transferswitch / loadcenter combo. Also didn't want an outlet on the outside unit that would just encourage power requests from neighbors.


Re: Generator Panel Question.

Originally posted by jimwalker:
"* This NEC? Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries.
Questions of a "How-To" nature by persons not involved in the electrical industry will be removed without notice.
Please read our rules and disclaimers. "

This is why i posted as i did.Your not in this field.
...and from what I can tel you are not an Admin or Moderator so you can't make that call. I agree that if they want to keep non-industy folks out...they are not doing a very good job. I have been searching the forum for at least a year for bits of information.

In a way I think I could call myself connected to the industry. Part of my job description at work is to over-see the hiring of electrical engineers to install elecrical service to our datacenter. On a almost monthly basis I am discussing power upgrades and relocations within our space. No electrical work is done on the space that I manage without my full involvement in how it should be done (how much is needed to serve the room, the size of the generator, the size of the PMM, the size of the UPS, etc.) I make all of those decisions and have the electrical guys do the work for me. Sure I don't actually do the wiring within the room, but I have my hands very involved in a physically hands off way.

For what it is worth, I am offically done here anyway. I will be ordering my own copy of the NEC Code so I have it for my own research on stuff like this. Based on what I do @ work I probably should have had it many moons ago so I would have a better understanding...making my job easier and also allowing me to know more about what the electical guys have to when I give them all of my drawings and layouts for how I want electral to be installed I will be giving them data that will be upto code right out of the gate. I have always known about NEC, the fact that it is there and the basics of what it says (most of it is common sense from the level of involvement that I have). Can't hurt to educate myself further.

[ August 01, 2005, 06:21 AM: Message edited by: aejanis ]


Senior Member
Re: Generator Panel Question.

aejanis, sounds like you want something more than the bare minimum required by code. If you hire an electrician to install the system for you and don't specify what you want you, you are usually going to get a system that meets the minimum code requirements. Anything else and the electrician is just giving away his extra services.

Would you go to a car dealership and ask for a car then complain when they brought you the escort instead of the Porsche? You said car and thats what you got.

Sounds like you know what you want but may not know exactly how to get there. Next time, you might want to consider getting an engineer to design a system that meets code and also meets all of your wishes. You will get bid documents for the contractor and there will be no confusion about what was included in the electrician's price.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Generator Panel Question.

Originally posted by aejanis: So what happens when a DIYer comes here and finds the answer he/she is looking for without asking? Seems the entire forum would create risk then, now wouldn't it.
It would be no different than a person who goes to the public library, reads either the NEC or a "how-to-do-it-yourself" book, then goes home and builds it incorrectly. It is not the fault of the library, nor of the library staff.

Here is a PM that I have, on occasion, sent to persons whom I had thought were DIY'ers who had asked how-to questions:
Please let me invite your attention to the following statement on the home page of this Forum:

This NEC? Forum is for those in the electrical and related industries. Questions of a "How-To" nature by persons not involved in the electrical industry will be removed without notice.

In accordance with that rule, your post has been removed. As a courtesy, I am giving you notice.

You are welcome to use this Forum to learn whatever you want to learn, but we cannot offer advice or assistance on performing electrical installation work at your own home. Our concern is that you may get only the answer to the question that you ask, and get no answer to the thousand other questions that you should have asked, but did not know that you needed to ask. The thousand of other questions are the ones that electricians, electrical engineers, and other professionals in the electrical industry would have known about, and would have understood the answers to, as part of their years of training.

?A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.? The Owner and Moderators of this Forum do not wish to risk allowing you and your family to be placed in danger, by giving you too little information.
Now back to the current thread.
Originally posted by aejanis:...and from what I can tell you are not an Admin or Moderator so you can't make that call. I agree that if they want to keep non-industry folks out...they are not doing a very good job. I have been searching the forum for at least a year for bits of information.
I AM a Moderator, and I'm sorry you don't think we are doing a good job. I chose not to end this thread earlier. It did not appear to me that a person who was not an electrician was asking questions as a prelude to performing electrical installation work at their own home. I still see it that way.

As Moderators, we are not required by the Forum Owner to "keep non-industry folks out." But we are required to remove DIY threads, and to remove threads that contain inappropriate content. The Owner has left it to us to decide what is inappropriate. To my way of thinking, the OP has just crossed that line. So I will end it here.
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