Forum member don_resqcapt19 also provides
an informed opinion of the code making process.
Prior to 1999 GFCI requirements was no cake walk, especially with remodel wiring that trips GFCI’s, & existing MWBC outlets.
Since 2011 NEC licensed power failure services were further complicated by replacement code 406.4(D), especially (D)(4).
But none of these requirements are observed by property maintenance, remodelers, or homeowner improvements, where licenses are not required.
IMHO the insurance industry benefits the most having representatives on NFPA code making panels, in favor of GFCI & AFCI requirements.
Since no maintenance staff, non-electrical general contractor, or municipal code enforcement, are trained to recognize it, the violations remain un-insureable increased hazards, and cause for non-renewal and cancellation, with confiscation of all prior-premiums paid.
It’s the lowest hanging fruit for industry rape & pillage of North American property owners.