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Don't know. But would guess if you ordered same gear with GFP vs without it and of course other panels, breakers, motor contorllers, etc for the entire project and it wouldn't be that much difference.

Now order the same GFP components of that gear as a stand alone item and they likely hit you really hard in the wallet. Same goes for almost any individual item VS ordering as a project.
Most large breakers are moving inexorably toward having Electronic Trip Units (ETUs) whether you like it or not. So once you go there, an ETU that has only LSI (Long, Short and Instantaneous) trip functions is typically going to cost you MORE than one with an LSIG (+G for Ground Fault Protection) trip unit, because the one WITHOUT it is only going to be sold for feeders, not mains, and 1000A feeders are not common compared to 1000A mains.

I just looked one up to compare:
1200AF 1000AT MCCB with LSI ETU = $16,037 list
1200AF 1000AT MCCB with LSIG TEU = $14,718 list

It's all about volume in the breaker world.
Most large breakers are moving inexorably toward having Electronic Trip Units (ETUs) whether you like it or not. So once you go there, an ETU that has only LSI (Long, Short and Instantaneous) trip functions is typically going to cost you MORE than one with an LSIG (+G for Ground Fault Protection) trip unit, because the one WITHOUT it is only going to be sold for feeders, not mains, and 1000A feeders are not common compared to 1000A mains.

I just looked one up to compare:
1200AF 1000AT MCCB with LSI ETU = $16,037 list
1200AF 1000AT MCCB with LSIG TEU = $14,718 list

It's all about volume in the breaker world.
But the actual price you pay when you purchase it with the switchboard/panelboard, the other breakers, maybe some disconnects or starters as well as other items by same manufacturer may go down to only $2500 or $3000. That is how they like to sell things, by the job. By the 1200 amp breaker alone because you need a replacement and they may not charge you list price but probably at least 75% of list price.
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