GFP testing

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Senior Member
Fort Collins, Colorado
Electrician, Contractor, Inspector
While Art 230.95(C) is clear on testing, it is not so clear as to who is required/qualified to do it. Do you think it is reasonable for an AHJ to require a quilified 3rd party or manufacturer do this testing for compliance?
What I typically see is a representative from the breaker manufacturer perform the test and provide a report. As you have noted the NEC does not mandate who the test is conducted by and it also does not mandate what information is required to be included in the report.

While Art 230.95(C) is clear on testing, it is not so clear as to who is required/qualified to do it. Do you think it is reasonable for an AHJ to require a quilified 3rd party or manufacturer do this testing for compliance?

Do you have the equipment to perform the testing?

We test GFPE sysyetms for other ECs, typically a small high current test set will set you back $8,000-$10,000, there are aditional test we perform as part of the acceptance test. We megger the switchboard, line, load, line to load of the CB/switch and megger the neutral with the neutral to ground disconnect link removed, lastly we ductor/Micro-ohm the power contacts.

I know a few EC's that do their ow testing.
We normally get a third party test.
That's what I'm getting at. Let's be candid, most EC's don't have the equipment and skill set to do this properly. I'm trying to get a sense of how many AHJ's require a qualified 3rd party report as opposed to letting the EC do it.
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