Good Noise Maker

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I'm looking for a simple and small product that i could use to troubleshoot an open circuit. I'm talking about plugging something into a duplex receptacle that would make a loud noise once the open circuit is "closed". So many times I go to a home where part of a branch circuit serving receptacles is open and dead because (you guessed it) the receptacle was terminated with the pushin terminations. I often just plug in a light bulb adapter thingy but it can't be seen from a different room. Any suggestions?
An FM radio? I think you are asking that once you move the wiring around and it makes a connection, the outlet functions properly.

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An FM radio? I think you are asking that once you move the wiring around and it makes a connection, the outlet functions properly.
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Yes, that is what I mean. But I'm looking for something more compact tha a radio. I'm picturing something reall small like a wall wart transformer but it is some type on sirene
Yes, that is what I mean. But I'm looking for something more compact tha a radio. I'm picturing something reall small like a wall wart transformer but it is some type on sirene
I will think about it and get back to you. I am sure something could be made, but engineering it to your specific desires or needs could be troubling. It sounds like you want something that is convenient and fits into a tool bag. A trick I use to find outlets in a house while buy myself is to plug my plug tester into an extention cord, take the female end to the panel and plug the other end into the sockets I am looking to shut off. You could do the same thing, though less convenient.

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Wire a plug onto a smoke detector with the test button permanently pushed in. A small radio with the volume turned to max would be cheaper/ready made, and probably a dollar at CHKD/DAV.
I'm looking for a simple and small product that i could use to troubleshoot an open circuit. I'm talking about plugging something into a duplex receptacle that would make a loud noise once the open circuit is "closed". So many times I go to a home where part of a branch circuit serving receptacles is open and dead because (you guessed it) the receptacle was terminated with the pushin terminations. I often just plug in a light bulb adapter thingy but it can't be seen from a different room. Any suggestions?
A wife?

Unfortunately, experience shows that regardless of volume or pitch, the usual object of communication is capable of developing a nearly insurmountable incapacity to hear said input; i.e., "wife deafness".
Sorry I knew they where available a couple years ago so I did A quick search and just copied and paste the link without even looking

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I also use an old clock radio. Some are VERY small! And yes, except for Goodwill (they tend to not sell electrical stuff due to lawyers, yours may sell them), most "thrift" store sell them very cheap and still working, well, good enough for our use!:lol:
Radio Shack has 12 volt buzzers, as well as 12 volt wall worts.

The trouble with some newer radios is when the power drops out and comes back on, you need to re-push on.
Radio Shack has 12 volt buzzers, as well as 12 volt wall worts.

The trouble with some newer radios is when the power drops out and comes back on, you need to re-push on.

Try this instead. These 120VAC horn/strobes are available at any ADI location.
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