Nearby town where I live has fairly current earth view but street view is about 10 years old. And it mostly only has steet view available along the major highway that passes through town, get off that path and there is no street view.
um... nebraska.
they don't show streets there, to confuse the tourists.
i was approaching lincoln one night after midnight, and got lit up
(van with california plates)
the officer had me on the side of the road for about 30 minutes,
while he searched my vehicle for drugs and guns with a dog.
finding none, he could't arrest me and seize the vehicle, so he
informed me it would be a safe and good thing if i were to check
into the motel a mile ahead, and get some rest.
he followed me there, and sat outside till i checked in, and bought
the room, then drove off.
i went into the room, used the shower, went potty, went back out, got in the
van, and drove to my destination, chicago.
i don't need no map details, as i'll NEVER enter that state again. it
was a weird experience.