Google street view

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Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
161225-2516 ESt

I took a look at my pole transformer using Google Street View. Rather good detail shows up. You can read the 50 KVA and it seems clear that my street lights are 120 V.

The UK Ordinance Survey is the most accurate in the world, where it muddies the waters is with this little gem.

Peel Street
formally known as Fulforth Street
With such a huge amount of information to handle it would be surprising if there were no errors.
And it's pretty much up to date in my area.
Nearby town where I live has fairly current earth view but street view is about 10 years old. And it mostly only has steet view available along the major highway that passes through town, get off that path and there is no street view.
This thread is boring without any sufficient links. It should be locked unless links are provided.

This is a perfect example of proper moderation :thumbsup::p

FWIW I find Google earth to be a mixed bag. There are street views in my area that are from 2016 while some from 2007 and 2009 which are in my experience very blurry. One thing that catches my eye is that my neighborhood had very tale trees in 2007, now most of them seem to be gone. :blink:
One thing that catches my eye is that my neighborhood had very tale trees in 2007, now most of them seem to be gone. :blink:

Like I said earlier....

You get shocked at how much some places change in just a few short years.:)

Somewhere there is something about the decline of Detroit and the mid 2000s housing crisis and its amazing how entire neighborhoods literally went to ruins in less than a decade.
The parking lot at my place of employment used to be city street, it was abandoned by the city some time in the nineties.

If you drive past our main entrance and look sideways the pic is fairly recent. If you go one click into the parking lot and beyond you go back to what has to be one of the first scans they ever did. It's fun to look at the cars we all used to drive.
Very frequently I use it when bidding a remodel or addition to check out the existing outdoor meter / main setup. Then I can easily determine the need to relocate it for an addition, and usually I can tell the amperage of the meter/main by looking at the can itself . A little short one is usually 100 amps or sometimes even a sixty amp one. One that is clearly 36'' long in our area denotes a 200 amp meter/main can due to userac (sp) metering requirements . Also whether it is going overhead or underground to the site. Most times it saves me a drive over to the actual site.
Nearby town where I live has fairly current earth view but street view is about 10 years old. And it mostly only has steet view available along the major highway that passes through town, get off that path and there is no street view.
um... nebraska.

they don't show streets there, to confuse the tourists.

i was approaching lincoln one night after midnight, and got lit up
(van with california plates)

the officer had me on the side of the road for about 30 minutes,
while he searched my vehicle for drugs and guns with a dog.
finding none, he could't arrest me and seize the vehicle, so he
informed me it would be a safe and good thing if i were to check
into the motel a mile ahead, and get some rest.

he followed me there, and sat outside till i checked in, and bought
the room, then drove off.

i went into the room, used the shower, went potty, went back out, got in the
van, and drove to my destination, chicago.

i don't need no map details, as i'll NEVER enter that state again. it
was a weird experience.
um... nebraska.

they don't show streets there, to confuse the tourists.

i was approaching lincoln one night after midnight, and got lit up
(van with california plates)

the officer had me on the side of the road for about 30 minutes,
while he searched my vehicle for drugs and guns with a dog.
finding none, he could't arrest me and seize the vehicle, so he
informed me it would be a safe and good thing if i were to check
into the motel a mile ahead, and get some rest.

he followed me there, and sat outside till i checked in, and bought
the room, then drove off.

i went into the room, used the shower, went potty, went back out, got in the
van, and drove to my destination, chicago.

i don't need no map details, as i'll NEVER enter that state again. it
was a weird experience.

I wonder if he owned the motel.
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