Ground fault over current protection misinformation--is this what I have found?

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Cool! Thanks!

I've thought about getting the NEC handbook.

North Carolina is on the 2020 NEC. Should I get the 2020 version of the handbook or the 2023?
I would buy an older handbook. Check eBay. Most of the useful commentary doesn't change much between code cycles and it would be less expensive.
Yes. The EGC protects people by tripping the breaker before someone gets a shock.

(A GFCI, on the other hand, protects people by tripping after someone gets a shock.)
Well most the time a GFCI trips before someone gets a shock, but certainly is possible depending on circumstances that it doesn't trip until after someone receives a shock.
That intact EGC will make the difference.
GFCI also will trip with leakage to earth before any person comes in contact with whatever is happening. Example: the end of an extension cord laying in a puddle of water, even one with EGC pin broken off at supply end.
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