ground ring installation

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when installing a ground ring,, the code dosent specify if both ends or just one end of the #2 to be connected at the main can anyone clearify this ?
I use something like this

exothermal weld?? ,,,couldnt you just exit the load center encircle the building
and connect the ring with a direct burial bug connector..?
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exothermal weld?? ,,,couldnt you just exit the load center encircle the building
and connect the ring with a direct burial bug connector..?
I have designed/built hundreds of them in the telecom industry, you weld to the ring. As stated it is a ring with no beginning or end, well until your Wife's Lawyer gets through with you.:D
exothermal weld?? ,,,couldnt you just exit the load center encircle the building
and connect the ring with a direct burial bug connector..?

You should weld it using exothermic welds and molds. In my designs, I specify direct to the rod. I think running taps are also permitted.

Avoid direct burial mechanical connectors at all costs. The only time I even permit direct burial connections not exothermically welded, is for old-work renovation and then it must be listed high-compression crimps (like the burndy or t&b c-taps).
The short story is you can tap the ring any where you like as noted exothermically welded connections appear to be best (though certain manufactures will tell you different)
If you haven't cadwelded before. some quick IMPORTANT notes.

1) Read all the lit.

2) COOK the mold you are going to use. When you put the flame to the carbon, you can "see" the moisture cook out, (it cooks out very similiar to watching a pan turn color because it has ben to hot) and needs to be done in the morning, at lunch, or anytime the mold has 30 mjnutes to an hour, of dead time on it.

3) Make sure that the mold is not under pressure to do the shot.

4) Make sure the "penney" is in the bottom of the mold correctly.

5) When you pour the powder in, do so carefully. If it's old style shot, after you pour, bang the container so that all the gunpowder is going to come out. Make sure you have some on the lip of the mold.

6) Use the gun (spark generator).

7) make sure you get the heck away after you pull the trigger, the stuff is over 2000 degrees if it goes bad.

8) If it looks like Mike's picture in post # 4, it's perfect. If it has air pockets and is ugly, needs a whole new shot, from the get go.

Reason I said all this? I had my first one (back in the 80's), smoke bad the first time, Got lucky, and wasn't injured. Would have been cool, to know, how ugly a shot gone bad can be.

Edit - Did I mention PPE? Use it!
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As much as I am a Cadweld fan I want to make clear the NEC does not require it for a grounding ring. Any connector listed for the purpose is acceptable to the NEC. :)
As much as I am a Cadweld fan I want to make clear the NEC does not require it for a grounding ring. Any connector listed for the purpose is acceptable to the NEC. :)
Bob I agree with you 100%, but in the Telecom sector or any facility that depends on the GES, there is no better method for a worry-free connection assuming it is done properly and the connections tested with a hammer. For Ufer Burndy Hy-Ground compression is fine, but when it comes to dirt, weld it and forget it. :D Heck I even specify the GEC connection to the office principle ground bar be welded.
I think that there are some here who understand that the cadweld is used for specification reasons.
There are many in the field who are not always aware of the actual code requirements and they should be made aware that it is not a requirement to cadweld or even make mechanical compression type connections.
I agree,, that was my orignal point to my question,,, so basically according to code,,, I can exit the main panel encircle the building and dead end the wire outside the building as long as i meet the code requirements to size of wire , depth , and length or run ,,, right?
I agree,, that was my orignal point to my question,,, so basically according to code,,, I can exit the main panel encircle the building and dead end the wire outside the building as long as i meet the code requirements to size of wire , depth , and length or run ,,, right?

You can do that but the far end must be connected back to the beginning of the ring. (not back to the panel) To be a ring it has to be complete.

You can do that with a direct burial rated split bolt conductor as long as there are no job specifications requiring more then a mechanical connection.
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great thats what I want to do ,,, iam still creating the ring,, and meeting all the other reguirements,, the reason for this is Iam building my own house and I never liked ground rods ,,, iam trying to eliminate all connections of the grounding outside of the house ,,,
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