Ground rod wire in meter base

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Re: Ground rod wire in meter base

We're doing a house that has a lightning rod system. We did not install the system.
All of the wires run inside the house.
They are strapped to the underside of the roof rafters, down through 3/4" holes, strapped in outside walls, into basement, then through the band-board to ground rods.

Are you suggesting that the ground wires should be run on the outside of the house?
Re: Ground rod wire in meter base

Todd, not at all. However, we are suggesting that it is better to dump most of the stroke before it enters the building. I think the difference is the way the construction is done for a lightning rod system as opposed to an electrical system. The lightning rod system is built to handle a stroke, can you say the same of an electrical panelboard? :D
Re: Ground rod wire in meter base

A little something to backup my views on lightning conductors that they should always be "outside" a structure:
ExplosiveFacilities.html 3.2 Downconductors
Downconductor pathways should be installed outside of the structure . Rigid strap is preferred to flexible cable due to inductance advantages. Conductors should not be painted, since this will increase impedance. Gradual bends always should be employed to avoid flashover problems. Building structural steel also may be used in place of downconductors, where practical, as a beneficial subsystem emulating the Faraday Cage concept.
This is from National Lightning Safety Institute And can be read in whole here: Structural Lightning Safety
Click on 5.1.7 or read them all as it is good reading on the subject.

I still say any kind of Earth grounding intended to give even a little protection against lightning
Should always try to keep the lightning "outside" And never be designed to bring lightning inside as a pathway to Earth
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