Ground rods at light poles

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Several other posters have touched on this but what does the spec that requires these auxiliary electrodes say about how they are installed. If it says install per NEC requirements, since there are no NEC installation requirements for auxiliary electrodes, the issue is resolved.
There should be no reference to the NEC on a detail ,or spec for that matter, given for a ground rod driven at a light pole.


If there is a detail on the plans that show a ground rod to be driven at the light pole locations then it should have been included whether required by code or not.

It seems the Electrical Contractor did pick up on this and included the ground rods and bonding to those rods in his pricing.

The problem is not that he left all this out, the problem is they hit solid rock.

In the spec there is usually a clause as to what to do if solid rock is encountered.

That seems to be where we are at with this, and, should be taken up with the Engineer for the project.

Not failed by an electrical inspector who is trying to enforce ground electrode burial depths on something that does not apply.


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