Ground Wires

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Good graphic.

Is it me, or does this site have DIYers now. I?ll never forget one of the moderators basically told me to take a hike (about, or over 9 years ago), as they do not allow DIYers to post questions of my kind?I guess my question was too basic. I think I asked a question about an electrical circuit or something, but trust me, the question I asked was far less basic then the ones I?m seeing. Ok, I need to get over it. And as of now I have.
Is it me, or does this site have DIYers now. I?ll never forget one of the moderators basically told me to take a hike (about, or over 9 years ago), as they do not allow DIYers to post questions of my kind?I guess my question was too basic. I think I asked a question about an electrical circuit or something, but trust me, the question I asked was far less basic then the ones I?m seeing. Ok, I need to get over it. And as of now I have.

I'm highly biased but IMO the mods do an excellent job keeping the forum postings within the framework of the forum rules.. :thumbsup:

Most of what we do is done behind the scene so it's not always evident.

Regarding the question in the OP, I see this so often in the field that IMO it's an excellent question because some many are in the dark about the actual requirement to follow the listing of the equipment.
I have always seen bug nuts with multiple conductors coming out of it.. that was the standard method here before Polaris taps came on the market..
Good graphic.


Wow! It never occurred to me a split bolt was only rated for two conductors. Lugs and terminals yes, but not a split bolt? Guilty on this one!I'm so used to seeing three and four wire taps with them for over 25 years. It's amazing what can be learned on this forum.
Ah, the olden days of slit bolts. Back in the stone ages when some of us started split bolts were about all we had for taps in gutters. Number of conductors? ...long as you could start the nut you were good to go, and a roll of friction tape to finish it off. God help the next guy that had to get back in it. How quaint.
I think the OP's question was a fair one and of course Augie's graphic summed it up well. Lots of guys don't know these details.
I'm highly biased but IMO the mods do an excellent job keeping the forum postings within the framework of the forum rules.. :thumbsup:

Most of what we do is done behind the scene so it's not always evident.
I help moderate two sites now, and I know what you mean about behind the scene. Once I was told to get lost, I found a site that accepted my question, and in the following year or so, I was moding. :thumbsup:
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