Grounded WYE from Inverters?

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Don't have service manuals on me folks, but I could get line diagrams from the truck.. for Smart.

But, crossman since my apprenticeship was canceled by NECA, my "Handyman, will work for food" signs are waring out.

Can you spare any change?
God Bless.
My first inclination was that the inverters would have to meet with Art 250 concerning the grounding of the system, but 690 has some language that allows inverters to run ungrounded under certain circumstances.
Underground? No problem.

Local AHJ's approved our underground inverter raceway, never opened panels, missed lots of violations, especially parallel-conductor rules. AHJ & PV panel MFG also approved prints created by a draftsman. That's right, no engineering firm, no nothing.

By sharing the wealth, or savings, PV Mfg. engineers step up & fix draftsman's errors, then ask code wonks to step up with code issues taken under advisement.

There are two types of law, Desire and Defacto. Desire is what every one else must follow, Defacto is how everyone else is exploited.
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Smart $ said:
Does anyone have an actual "process" and connection diagram?

From what I am gathering from the manufacturer's online literature, the 3-phase inverter is delta connected to a wye system... in which case I can see why RichardM is calling it an ungrounded wye.

Ramsy, you have been reminded in the past and are being reminded yet again, this is not a political/economic/global conspiracy forum. Please refrain from such tangents, or we'll delete the off topic posts in their entirety. I'm not going to waste time trying to seperate the relevant and off-topic comments in your posts, they'll simply disappear completely.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Smart $ said:
Does anyone have an actual "process" and connection diagram?

From what I am gathering from the manufacturer's online literature, the 3-phase inverter is delta connected to a wye system... in which case I can see why RichardM is calling it an ungrounded wye. The literature available online is very vague.

Even though I didn't get a chance to ask specifically if the inverter is giving me a delta or wye, Xantrex personnel repeatedly mentioned the connection as being an ungrounded wye. They stated that the reason neutral comes to neutral, and is not grounded, is their interpretation of the IEEE standards to measure line to neutral voltages.

Apparently the neutral may also be fairly undersized due to the way it is setup.
RichardM said:
Even though I didn't get a chance to ask specifically if the inverter is giving me a delta or wye, Xantrex personnel repeatedly mentioned the connection as being an ungrounded wye. They stated that the reason neutral comes to neutral, and is not grounded, is their interpretation of the IEEE standards to measure line to neutral voltages.

Apparently the neutral may also be fairly undersized due to the way it is setup.
...but this just takes us back to the requirement for system grounding. In this case, I believe you must initially go to 705.50. And even though there is an exception thereof, the system under exception is grounded. For a not exceptionable system, we are referred back to 250.20 Alternating-Current Systems to Be Grounded noted earlier. The system must meet the requirements therein.

But we do not have all the information necessary to determine compliance. You never did answer what the voltage(s) is(are)... and if possible, please provide for both primary and secondary of any transformer involved, and also note the connection (in)to the system... :-?
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