Re: Grounding 1908
An elderly gentleman (older than us

) who was both a contractor, and later our chief inspector, recently gave me his collection of old electrical books. Most of them were published in the twenties and thirties, and make very interesting reading.
Bennie, you commented - "I have a problem understanding the role of an earth connection in reducing a high voltage due to crossing wires."
Here is an excerpt from a 1947 NEC Handbook -
"Suppose that a conductor of a grounded high-voltage system makes accidental contact with one of the wires of the secondary distribution mains or with one of the service wires A. Such a connection is indicated by the dotted line in the sketch.
FIG 1 - An interior wiring system with a system ground at the service entrance.
Conductor A is connected to conductors
B and C through the transformer windings, also through whatever load (lamps and motors) may be in operation at the time. If, when the accidental cross occurs, there is no ground connection to any conductor of the secondary system, the voltage above ground of secondary conductor A will be the same as that of the high-tension wire
with which it is in contact, and the voltage to ground of the other conductors B and C will be nearly the same, Under these conditions, a person touching any one of the secondary conductors and being at the same time in contact with a grounded object will receive a shock due to the difference of potential of approximately 2,300 volts.
All conducting parts of the wiring system and all lighting, power, and heating apparatus connected to the system are insulated for a normal voltage to ground of not over 600 volts. Certain parts of the system may be insulated for a normal voltage not exceeding 250 volts. If the voltage to ground of the entire system and all apparatus connected to it is increased to 2,300 volts, it is very probable that the insulation will break down in numerous places. From every point where such a breakdown occurs a current will flow to ground, and anyone of these stray currents may heat some conducting material through which it flows to such a high temperature that it will ignite any woodwork or other combustible material with which the heated conductor is in contact.
Let us now consider what will take place when the neutral conductor of the secondary is well grounded and an accidental cross with one of the high-tension wires occurs. A current will flow from the high-tension wire to secondary wire A, through the transformer winding to secondary wire
B, thence to ground, and through the ground back to the grounded neutral of the primary. The amount of this current will depend upon the voltage maintained by the transformer supplying the primary line and upon the total impedance of the circuit and is, of course, entirely indeterminate.
Under these conditions the voltage above ground of the interior wiring system will be the voltage drop in the grounding conductor and in the contact between the electrode and the ground. A current of 100 amps and a resistance of 2 ohms from the neutral conductor to ground would
represent rather severe conditions. The voltage drop in such a case would be I X R or 100 X 2 = 200 volts; thus the normal potential difference between any part of the wiring system and ground would be increased by only 200 volts.
The resistance of a good ground to a water piping system will commonly be much less than 2 ohms, with a corresponding reduction in the possible voltage to ground when a heavy current flows through the grounding connections. The effective grounding of the secondary system, by thus preventing an excessive increase of the voltage to ground, eliminates to a very great extent both the hazard to life and the fire hazard in case of an accidental cross between the secondary system and a high-tension conductor."