grounding choke

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Re: grounding choke

1884. However you are talking about an incredible amount of 750 wire to equal 5 Henries of inductance (10,000-feet in conduit).
Re: grounding choke

I got 1,884 ohms too, but that is just the inductive reactance. (2PifL) Don't you also have to include the resistance of the wire also to get the total impedance? 5 henry's is huge! It's like a 1 farad cap, ever see how big they are?

Also, I have always used 3.14 for Pi. Sam's lists shows 3.41?
Re: grounding choke

Oh, that's the new Pi.

My original take on the inductance not being particularly important was a little shortsighted.
Re: grounding choke

Yes, you have to include all resistance to deduce the total impedance, capacitance too.

Yeah, I think 5 Henrys is big. I didn't at first, like I said, given the mass of the wiring system.

1 Farad is = to 1 beer can. That's the scientific specific volume. Ever put two charged 0.1 Farad capacitors together at the terminals "backwards"?

Any takers on adding 2 Ohms pure resistance in series to the 5 Henrys inductance?
Re: grounding choke

Any takers on adding 2 Ohms pure resistance in series to the 5 Henrys inductance?
The impedance of a series combination of 2 ohms Resistance plus 5 Henrys of inductance (at 60 Hz) is 1884.001 ohms. The resistance didn't make much difference.


[ October 29, 2004, 08:31 PM: Message edited by: Ed MacLaren ]
Re: grounding choke

Well that's pointless. How bout 700 Ohms. I'm still checking to see if I'm doing it correctly.
Re: grounding choke

700 ohms Resistance in series with the 5 Henry Inductance (1884 ohms Reactance at 60 Hz), gives 2009.84 ohms Impedance.

Re: grounding choke

The equation I used (below) is based on the assumption that the 5 Henrys of inductance was "pure" (no resistance or capacitance) and therefore the phase angle is 90 deg.


Re: grounding choke

Right, ideal coil.

You'll find voltage 90 deg. ahead of current across the coil. Your right about that. Here's the thing with the resistance. Although it doesn't have reactance it does have a phase shift of zero and is calculated in the same way as inductance and capacitance. The impedance value is a result of all the reactances and resistances that affect it.

Anyway, there's a phase shift between 0 and 90.

Edit : You could use the 700 ohms.

[ October 31, 2004, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: physis ]
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