Don, do you have easy way to look up (at least recent) past PIs from different years for a given code section? Or do you just have to check each year one by one?
Cheers, Wayne
The new system is actually easier, as you can look at the first and second drafts by section number. The new system does make it harder to look at PIs that were rejected in the first draft, but they are there. However in many cases the person is not interested in PI that have been resolved (rejected). One of the issues I see with having the resolved PIs hidden, that very few of those resolved PIs come back in the Second Revision Report. That was fairly common with the old system, and I had one that was rejected unanimously in the ROP, but accepted unanimously in the ROC as a result of a comment. You really don't see that now, and the number of comments as compared to the number of proposals has dropped with the new system.
For the 2014 and earlier some of the PDFs of the ROPs and ROCs are online, but I have hard copies of those back to the 84 code cycle. Those are in section order, so not real difficult to find things, and the PDFs are searchable.
The key for both systems is knowing when the change was made, so you can look at the correct documents.
To find the documents you go to, select the edition, and then select "archived revision information". For new system you can view the first draft or second draft, but for the old system you view the Report on Proposals (ROP) or Report on Comments (ROC). If you go to the 1993 and earlier codes, the ROP was known as the Technical Committee Report (TCR) an the ROC as the Technical Committee Documentation (TCD).
For 2014 and earlier, you can often download the documents, and in some editions, there is a draft report, which is how the code would look if the results of the first draft had not changed. One thing the draft has is the proposal number for any change that was made, making it easier to find the proposal information. The current system First Draft Report, really combines what was in the ROP and the Draft.
Over the years, I have found changes where I could not find any supporting documentation, but those have been rare.
The ones that are difficult are the ones where a section is rewritten or reorganized by a code making panel, but the rewrite included accepted proposals. Those you have to go back and read all of the proposals associated with the rewrite.