Grounding grid needed??

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Well, thats good news. I guess I was a bit too pesimistic. A missing MV messenger neutral will certainly make matters a lot worse.

That paper does have an agenda, which is the wrong agenda, and will never happen; no-where in the world has adopted 5 wire distribution over any substantive scale. But everyoine else uses 3 wire at MV, and it's a lot less scary than the USA-unique 4 wire MV distribution. And I think you now know exactly why :)

Keep up the reports!
The POCO has put at least 4 days into this so far and has gotten the voltage down to 7 volts from 14 volts. I no longer have 1 to 2 amps flowing on my ground rods, it's about 0.1 amp now. They are still working on the poles around the site checking and correcting grounds where needed. They are also working on a substation located a few blocks away, but the majority of the problems where on the other side of my site from the substation.

I would like to see them get the voltage down to 2 volts or less. The reduction of current on my ground rods tells me they are at least working in the right direction.

Thanks for all your help, will keep you posted.
dbuckley said:
If you drive enough ground rods at the trailer (ie if you can get the impedence low enough) you will get the PD to near zero.

If you build a ground grid (or a circle of ground rods) bonded to the trailer you should be able to get the whole lot equipotential, and thus remove the shock hazard.

I agree with Tom Baker; short of paving the entire lot with ground rods, then they would never have created any sort of equipotential bonding.

What is your specialty?

Massfd, thanks for the updates and keep them coming. I wish I had seen this sooner.
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