Green or green with one or more yellow stripes is permitted for standard equipment ground conductor identification. Green with a yellow stripe is not necessarily an isolated ground conductor, although we see that as a common method for isolated ground conductor identification.
The last sentence of
250.119 Identification of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
...Conductors with insulation or individual covering that is green, green with one or more yellow stripes, or otherwise identified as permitted by this section shall not be used for ungrounded or grounded circuit conductors.
Identification of small conductors of any portion of the circuit, grounded, ungrounded, equipment grounding, is an issue that seems to pop up its head almost everyday. And has been like that since long before I started work in this industry.
Until there is equal enforcement of such installations, they will not stop.
It is not up to the inspector to decide which code sections he/she will enforce, it is simply our job to enforce the code as written.