Grounding Lug to Panel Backbox

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DC Electrician

New User
Arlington, VA
I have an engineer indicating that the NEC requires that equipment grounding conductors to loads be installed on "A" terminal bar meaning one only. The grounds are too large for a ground bar and attached with lugs with bolts and nuts to the backbox. The AHJ did not take issue, but this 3rd party insists that the NEC states a terminal bar is required. Can lugs not be used for Panel grounds and only terminal bars even though they are no sized for feed. Also adding a terminal bar with a fork lug is better than putting a lug straight to the backbox. It would seem that is better connection than forked lug that goes into the terminal bar. Any ideas?
I have an engineer indicating that the NEC requires that equipment grounding conductors to loads be installed on "A" terminal bar meaning one only.

Can lugs not be used for Panel grounds and only terminal bars even though they are no sized for feed.
A terminal lug is a terminal bar for a single conductor. Perfectly fine. A mounted bar is no better.
Unfortunately some design engineers did not try to educate themselves on the NEC, they just go by hearsay or some unfounded belief.
Forked lugs on a ground bar are perfectly fine.

You could terminate each EGC in its own single terminal attached to the panel enclosure. The metallic panel is permitted to be part of the fault current return path.
You can make the case that 408.40 requires the use of a terminal bar.
408.40 ... Where the panelboard is used with nonmetallic raceway or cable or where separate equipment grounding conductors are provided, a terminal bar for the equipment grounding conductors shall be secured inside the cabinet. ...
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