Grounding Of Fence

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What tests are performed when installing ground rods in this situation? Whatever test is performed would it be at each fence post where there's a ground rod or an overall test of the "systems"?
If the specifications don’t spell out testing and what type is to be performed, don’t ask or volunteer anything..
just do what the prints show and is spelled out in the contract.
No need to make the project more involved than it already is.
Even more of a waste of money is this is a temporary fence. That’s unbelievable. Anyway how would you approach the removal of the ground rods since this is temporary? There’s gonna be a lot of ground rods and bare copper wire that goes up to the fence. I guess it would be smart to go back and get the copper as it’s worth some coin. The ground rides are another thing would you actually pull them up out of the ground?
Even more of a waste of money is this is a temporary fence. That’s unbelievable. Anyway how would you approach the removal of the ground rods since this is temporary? There’s gonna be a lot of ground rods and bare copper wire that goes up to the fence. I guess it would be smart to go back and get the copper as it’s worth some coin. The ground rides are another thing would you actually pull them up out of the ground?

Unless there’s 24/7 surveillance, you won’t have to worry about removing visible copper. It’ll be gone by the time it comes to remove it.
Given the point in post #22, and the the fact of a temporary fence, I might suggest that a proper value engineering is not to try to eliminate the grounding on a conductive fence, but to use a non-conductive fence instead.


We did a lot of work at an airport and the FAA agent advises us the grounding was to assure there was no interference to navigational aids.
I am skeptical there is any validity to that reasoning, but if there is I would love to read a paper on it with a scientific explanation. Isn't the fence already grounded at every post and bonded together cuz it's all metal? What is the point of the 4/0 going to a rod with a resistance of 100 ohms to the dirt? I could see maybe....MAYBE....assuring solid continuity of the chain link to each post with a clamp or something but anything else seems pointless.
Here’s some spec we follow..
People steal our copper all the time. It’s why we went to copper coated steel above the ground.
We drive substation rods a section at a time. 20-40’deep. Depends on soil analysis.
I am skeptical there is any validity to that reasoning, but if there is I would love to read a paper on it with a scientific explanation. Isn't the fence already grounded at every post and bonded together cuz it's all metal? What is the point of the 4/0 going to a rod with a resistance of 100 ohms to the dirt? I could see maybe....MAYBE....assuring solid continuity of the chain link to each post with a clamp or something but anything else seems pointless.
There is no validity to any of reasoning by these kind of people. Half of them are true dirt worshipers and truly believe the earth is magic. Half of them don't believe it but none of that group has the courage to declare the emperor has no clothes so they use the same specs as the dirt worshipers anyway.
Here’s some spec we follow..
People steal our copper all the time. It’s why we went to copper coated steel above the ground.
Does that actually work? I would think that the average thief would see the outer copper and "know" it is copper, and doesn't find out it is worthless until he gets it to the scrap yard :D
I would think your typical scumbag could differentiate between steel and copper by the stiffness and hardness.
Does that actually work? I would think that the average thief would see the outer copper and "know" it is copper, and doesn't find out it is worthless until he gets it to the scrap yard

They can only AFTER they try to cut it or if they cut it, try to sell it.
It only takes a time or two. Thieves are lazy…

the original idea is to ”train” the thieves, and educate the scrapyards.

when we started using this stuff 10-15 years ago we would take a bunch to a scrapyard in “plainclothes” and our personal vehicles. We got copper prices quoted to us. We would then tell the guy to put a magnet on it. Got a couple of smart*** ones would tell us copper isn’t magnetic it wouldn’t do anything. The look on the faces when they realized what they quoted at the high price was basically all steel, they learned real quick to trust a magnet, not their eyes.
We would also take CWC wire and explain it had steel in it also.
I’ve pulled ground rods out of their copper pile and proved it was copper coated steel.

We have had ONE station with a 6” piece cut off (it looked like they struggled quite a while with it) and NO spans cut in about 8-10 years now.
If installing say 12,000' of 1/0 bare copper in the ground between ground rods spaces 130' apart what's the most practical way to lay this cable in the ground? It'll obviously be on reels. Would you need reel truck or something smaller/simple for getting the cable in the ground? Thanks
What would be the best way To get the 4/0 copper Off the reels into the trench? Would not need a reel truck just for a single conductor correct
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