Today I was fixing some violation work at a single family dwelling. The detached garage has an old service (hot/neutral) with no ground. The garage has 1 switch for a light and 2 outlets. I was told by the inspector today that he wanted me to install a ground rod just outside the garage and connect a wire from the garage GFI's to the ground rod outside. I have never heard of this method and after taking Mike Holt's grounding and bonding classes I don't believe he would agree with this, unless I am misunderstanding. Installing a ground rod would not be enough to effectively clear a ground fault. The proper way would be to run a ground wire back to the source (Panel). I also thought that since this is existing work, the inspector should have let me install tamper-proof GFI's with "No equipment Ground" stickers on them. Let me know any thoughts as I'm trying to learn and understand this better. I am going to watch Mike's Grounding and Bonding DVD again. Thanks!