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Wen was the last time you came across capacitive coupling . what was the cause . and how did you fix it?

I don't think I ever have. I would guess that it's quite unlikely to develop to perceptible levels on low voltage building electrical systems without some extraordinary circumstances. Besides even if the egc system were not intentionally grounded, I'll bet it would be grounded Somewhere anyway. The flip side is that most codes if not followed are still very unlikely to cause shock or fire, but take 10000 codes and 100 million buildings and the one in a million chance starts to happen frequently. ....
Wen was the last time you came across capacitive coupling . what was the cause . and how did you fix it?

All the time and I have never fixed it.

You find it when you use a digital voltmeter on conductors that are not connected to anything but run with other live conductors. It is what gives you phantom voltage problems.
All the time and I have never fixed it.

You find it when you use a digital voltmeter on conductors that are not connected to anything but run with other live conductors. It is what gives you phantom voltage problems.

Ok well I have come across that. I was referring to never encountering an actual problem like getting a shock from it. Well I did have a neon sign transformer that was fun to play with and touching just one side of that was unpleasant.
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