Guess this has already been invented/used???

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a little light that comes on for your knife/fork drawer at night. size of a marble or something, just big enough to be able to dig around without a main light coming on. Or deep under the sink in the back it is difficult to see... Is there like a light that could strap on from say from the kitchen sink plumming going downwards so it's visible what all is back there??


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

Well, I wouldn't recomend straping a light fixture to a plumbing pipe. But, anything is possible.

It wouldn't be all that hard to set up a low voltage, battery powered light fixture to a door switch.

I'm ure you could hire a qualified electrician to do the same with 120v. lighting (of the undercabinet or puck variety I suppose) but it would take a bit more work. I can't say I've ever installed such a set up under a sink, but I have done 12v puck lighting on door switches in kitchen cabinets. It takes some work and some materials (read: some expense) but the final product is kind of a nice touch for a custom kitchen.
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

would it be possible to invent some thing of the sort and have it patented? I basically want to know if something like that exist and/or would sell?

I got the idea from reading somewhere a lady invented a light that comes on when your toilet lid is lifted at night so as to not have to turn on a main light.


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

I don't know of a prepackaged product on the market, so perhaps it is a patentable idea. Is it marketable? Based on the number I've installed, I'd say the market is limited, then again if it were marketed at a low enough price point, the demand could be substanially higher. I'd hazard a guess and say it would sell at least as well as a toilet light. :D
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

Well i know it wouldn't sell like crazy, but maybe if it was for 3 bucks it might sell enough. I've been thinking of stuff to invent and this crossed my mind...

[ August 17, 2005, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: brandon357 ]


Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

I have several patents pertaining to electrical products.
Think about the expense with patent attorneys and UL, and also inspectors that might not like your product.
It's not an easy road it seems like there is always someone out there that might be a little jealous.
Good luck to you and keep on thinking !!! :)


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

Is there like a light that could strap on from say from the kitchen sink plumming going downwards so it's visible what all is back there??
I don't want to see what's back there under my kitchen sink!! And my in-laws would be even scarier!!


tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
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Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

I bought some of those touch lites you see on TV for my camper, those would work unless it needs to be automatic.
But LED with a small pin switch for the door, 9V battery, sounds like a good idea.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

I have a flashlight attached to the side of the fridge with a magnet. I don't think I'll get in the line to buy your product. But good luck anyway. ;)

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

Oh, and in a pinch, I have on occasion opened the microwave oven door, when I needed just a little light in the kitchen. :D


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

You could probably sell alot if you first figure out how to make it all showy and something that the Jones don't have in their kitchen. Seems like all my high end customers fall all over themselves to top their friends and next door neibors.


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

Don't let California here about it. They'll put them into the energy code.

Edit: Error B

[ August 17, 2005, 03:58 PM: Message edited by: physis ]


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

Yeah, that's ok, but then they'll throw somethin' else in to make it really hard to install them and nobody's gonna want to pay for them because there mandated and all the home owners and general contractors'll yell at me like it's my idea or something.

And then everybody'll turn on all the lights and open all the drawers at the same and the whole thing'll end up using even more electricity than before.

But other than that it'll be pretty cool.


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

I'll buy one for under my kitchen sink. The other day I was rooting around under there and found my 1000V klein needle nose. I had thought that I had lost them, but as it turns out my better half had picked them up off of the table and put them under the sink.


Senior Member
South East PA
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

A note of caution regarding disclosure of a device that may become a patent application. From what I remember about submitting patents, public disclosure of an idea can sometimes limit your rights. ....just a thought


Senior Member
Re: Guess this has already been invented/used???

You can't really patent the "idea" to put a light under a kitchen sink counter, or in a drawer.

If you design a light, say with a model xxx door switch, and a strap to hold it in place, x number of x size batteries, and model xxxx lamp.....then you can patent that design. But everyone else is still allowed to design their own under sink light and patent and sell them.

You can patent a specific design, but you can't patent a general idea.

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