Hack Attack....The best deal is the cheapest?

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Was the installer on drugs? I'm not even being facetious. That is some of the nastiest work I've ever seen anyone pay for.

I can't even tell what the heck is going on in that picture with the keyless light. I'm amazed the lamp is even glowing. It's amazing how badly stuff can be botched up and still work.

Tecnically he was in the process of getting his license.

It is a lengthy process.

First he need tools.

Then he needs experience.

Then he needs some money.

Then he can take his test.
Tiger Electrical said:
It takes a little longer to rewire when I have to stop every 10 minutes to shoot pictures.
. . . or contractors who abandon jobs to cut their losses.
We have all ran into situations like this. I like some others have stated.
usually chalk it up to Do-It-your-selfers. I think that the states should,
pass laws that any-one who performs Electrical work should have to be licensed. Here in our area a home-owner can wire his own house.
If the person knows how to do the work properly. Passing the Licenseing Exam should not be a problem.
amw electrician

amw electrician

frizbeedog said:
Yup, He was a one call, do all, y'all. Liscencing and know how pending.
the most wanted very fake electrical contractor. I would place his picture in amw.tv ,he need electrical (101) or just given him bob the builder movie ,best deal some times is best surprise. or R .I. P . you call yourself an electrician good job frizbeedog
Sometimes I stay awake at night wondering if I had properly torqued a termination, or something similar, but this guy's work is a nightmare. I bet he sleeps well.
ptonsparky said:
He probably does sleep well. He has no idea just how bad his work is.

Qeustion: Can some of this be blamed on the home owner? After all, they let this guy into their house.

We all agree this is horrific, but what about the homeowner?
frizbeedog said:
Qeustion: Can some of this be blamed on the home owner? After all, they let this guy into their house.

We all agree this is horrific, but what about the homeowner?

Hopefully they've learned a lesson from it all.
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